WriteToSubresource 和ReadFromSubresource 为UMA 适配器启用近乎零复制优化,但可能会严重损害离散/NUMA 适配器的效率,因为纹理数据不能驻留在本地视频内存中。 典型的应用程序应坚持离散友好的上传技术,除非它们识别适配器体系结构是 UMA。 有关上传的更多详细信息,请参阅 CopyTextureRegion;有关 UMA 的更多详细信...
typedefstructD3D12_SUBRESOURCE_DATA{constvoid*pData; LONG_PTR RowPitch; LONG_PTR SlicePitch; } D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_DATA; メンバー pData サブリソース データを含むメモリ ブロックへのポインター。 RowPitch サブリソース データの行ピッチ、幅、または物理サイズ (バイト単位)。
D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_DATA 结构 (d3d12.h) 项目 2024/03/14 反馈 本文内容 语法 成员 注解 要求 另请参阅 描述子资源数据。 语法 C++ 复制 typedef struct D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_DATA { const void *pData; LONG_PTR RowPitch; LONG_PTR SlicePitch; } D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_DATA; 成员 pData 指向...
Supporting initial data upload onD3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_COPYfor discrete GPUs, and usingWriteToSubresourcefor UMA (integrated) GPUs. This should improve performance. Supporting multi-GPU scenarios, specifically, using multiple nodes on a single D3D12 device. Currently, the D3D12TranslationLayer only...
usePso1;// Set this city's CBV table and move to the next descriptor.pCommandList->SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(2, cbvSrvHandle); cbvSrvHandle.O 请参阅D3D12 参考中的示例代码。 要求 展开表 目标平台Windows 标头d3d12.h 另请参阅 核心接口...
For disk caches, controls the maximum file size. Defaults to 128MB. Version Type:UINT64 Can be used to implicitly clear caches when an application or component update is done. If the version doesn't match the version stored in the cache, then it will be wiped and re-created. ...
Frequently, developers want to write to one region of a buffer/subresource, while concurrently reading from a different region the same buffer/subresource. Unfortunately, legacy resource barrier rules prevent placing a resource in both read and write states at the same time. This is a necessary li...
theGPU_UPLOADheap also allows creating textures inD3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN. With them,ID3D12Resource::WriteToSubresourcefunction can be used to upload data form system memory directly to such texture, sparing CPU cycles to swizzle the pixels. However, this may not be the most performant meth...
D3D12_RENDER_PASS_ENDING_ACCESS_RESOLVE_SUBRESOURCE_PARAMETERS Describes the subresources involved in resolving at the conclusion of a render pass. D3D12_RENDER_PASS_RENDER_TARGET_DESC Describes bindings (fixed for the duration of the render pass) to one or more render target views (RTVs), as ...