再看VLC里面的代码流程,是在Pool入口函数里面创建了一个ID3D11Texture2D数组做缓冲区(创建时指定了D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE),然后分别创建ID3D11ShaderResourceView绑定到渲染管线。 翻了半天文档,又发现d3d11提供了CopySubresourceRegion这个API用于两种纹理之间进行拷贝。于是迂回作战,尝试把ffmpeg AVFrame里面没有带...
再看VLC里面的代码流程,是在Pool入口函数里面创建了一个ID3D11Texture2D数组做缓冲区(创建时指定了D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE),然后分别创建ID3D11ShaderResourceView绑定到渲染管线。 翻了半天文档,又发现d3d11提供了CopySubresourceRegion这个API用于两种纹理之间进行拷贝。于是迂回作战,尝试把ffmpeg AVFrame里面没有带...
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with Libav; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndefAVCODEC_D3D11VA_H ...
Having this line vf=lavfi=yadif with hwdec=auto-copy in the mpv.conf works so it is something specific to intel hardware. This line produces smooth playback and cpu usage around 20%. I have no issues with the other pc that use amd or nvidia hardware. This line also works deinterlace=...
Resources are copied automatically to device-accessible memory as needed. Managed resources are backed by system memory and do not need to be recreated when a device is lost. See Managing Resources for more information. Managed resources can be locked. Only the system-memory copy is directly modi...
0 Kudos Copy link Reply JyothisV_Intel Employee 03-13-2022 10:52 PM 2,605 Views Hi, Good day to you. We have not heard back from you. This thread will no longer be monitored by Intel. If you need further assistance, please post a...
0 Kudos Copy link Reply JyothisV_Intel Employee 03-13-2022 10:52 PM 2,580 Views Hi, Good day to you. We have not heard back from you. This thread will no longer be monitored by Intel. If you need further assistance,...