KUMMINI, d-regular graphs of acyclic chromatic index at least d+2. Submitted. Available at http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.4681v1, 2008.M. Basavaraju, L.S. Chandran, M. Kummini, d -Regular graphs of acyclic chromatic index at least d + 2. J. Graph Theory 63 , 226–230 (2010)...
Sampling (d + 1)-colorings of d-regular graphs Let G be a graph of maximum degree ∆ and k be an integer. The recoloring framework consists in finding step-by-step transformations between two proper c... N Bousquet∗,G Perarnau† 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Spreads in Strongly Regular ...
The existence of small d-regular graphs of a prescribed girth g is equivalent to the existence of certain codes in the d-regular infinite tree. We show that in the tree "perfect" codes exist, but those are usually not "graphic". We also give an explicit coloring that is "nearly perfect...
The distance-regular graphs with valency k >= 2, diameter D >= 3 and kD-1+ k(D) <= 2k 喜欢 0 阅读量: 23 作者: Park,Jongyook 摘要: Let Gamma be a distance-regular graph with valency 关键词: Distance-regular graphs Antipodal distance-regular graphs The M-property 2-walk-regular ...
5) distance-regular graphs 距离正则图 1. By mean of intersection diagrams,properties of distance-regular graphs and the known conclusions of distance-regular graphs in this thesis,we discuss intersection numbers of distance-regular graphs. 利用交叉表、距离正则图的性质及已有结论对k=10,a1=1的...
Twisted Grassmann graphsGM switchingWe construct a new family of strongly regular graphs with the same parameters as the strongly regular graphs D 5 , 5 ( q ) . The construction can be seen as a variant of the construction of twisted Grassmann graphs by Van Dam and Koolen.Discrete Applied ...
Error-correcting pooling designs associated with some distance-regular graphs Bai, K. Wang, Error-correcting pooling designs associated with some distance-regular graphs (submitted for publication).Y. Bai, T. Huang, K. Wang, ... Y Bai,T Huang,K Wang - 《Discrete Applied Mathematics》 被引量...
The following two graphs are adopted from the column of “City Information” on the webpage of Beijing Review. Graph 1: Olympic Cities Air Quality Report City Date API Major Pollutant Air Quality Degree Quality Condition Beijing Sep. 8 37 N/A Ⅰ Very good Qinhuangdao Sep. 8 52 PM10 Ⅱ Go...
Distance-regular graphs with $b\\sb 2=1$ and antipodal covers. LetΛbe a distance-regular graph of diameterdand valencyk>2. Ifbt=1 and 2t⩽d, thenΛis an antipodal double-cover. Consequently, iff>2 is the multiplicit... M Araya,A Hiraki,A Jurišić - 《European J Combin》 被...
It is pointed out that the design ofsequences of degree distributionin bipartite graphs is one of the most important problems in constructing low-density erasure codes. 本文着重对级联型低密度纠删码度分布序列的设计方法、阈值和分析性质等理论问题进行了深入的研究,获得了几个关键性的研究成果,主要概括为...