GraphTheory[RandomGraphs] RandomRegularGraph generate a random regular graph Calling Sequence Parameters Options Description Examples Calling Sequence RandomRegularGraph( n , d , options ) Parameters n - positive integer or list of vertices d - nonnegati
random regular graphsIn a previous paper we showed that a random 4-regular graph asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) has chromatic number 3. Here we extend the method to show that a random 6-regular graph asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) has chromatic number 4 and that the ...
Random Regular Graphs Arandom regular graphis a graph where each vertex has the same degree, and the edges are placed randomly, subject to the condition that all vertices must have the same degree. The major properties of random regular graphs are − ...
random_regular_graph(d, n, seed=None) 返回$n$节点上的随机$d$-正则图。 生成的图形没有自循环或平行边。 参数 d ( int )--每个节点的度数。 n …
Return a NetworkX graph composed of two random za-, zb-regular graphs of sizes Na, Nb, with Bernoulli(p) distributed coupling. '''network_build_time = time.time() a_internal_graph = nx.random_regular_graph(za, Na) b_internal_graph = nx.random_regular_graph(zb, Nb) ...
開發者ID:rigetti,項目名稱:quantumflow,代碼行數:45,代碼來源 注:本文中的networkx.random_regular_graph方法示例由純淨天空整理自Github/MSDocs等開源代碼及文檔管理平台,相關代碼片段篩選自各路編程大神貢獻的開源項目,源碼版權歸原作者所有,傳播和使用請參考對應項目的License;未經允許,請勿轉載。
TheChromaticNumberofRandomRegular Graphs DimitrisAchlioptas 1 andCristopherMoore 2 1 MicrosoftResearch,Redmond,WA98052,USA, optas@microsoft, 2 UniversityofNewMexico,NM87131,USA, Abstract.Givenanyintegerd≥3,letkbethesmallestintegersuch thatd<2klogk.Weprovethatwithhighprobabilitythe...
Regular trees in random regular graphs - Makover, McGowan - 2008 () Citation Context ...e paper. Lemma 5 (diameter [7]). There exists a constant D such that the diameter of Gn,∆ a.a.s. satisfies the relation | diam Gn,∆ −(log ∆-1 n + log ∆-1 log n)| 0, ...
Wormald, Uniform generation of random regular graphs of moderate degree, J. Algorithm , 1990, 11 (1): 52–67. MATH View Article MathSciNetP. Gao and N. Wormald. Uniform generation of random regular graphs. arXiv: 1511.01175.McKay, B., Wormald, N.C.: Uniform generation of random ...
Random d-regular graphs have been well studied when d is fixed and the number of vertices goes to infinity. We obtain results on many of the properties of a random d-regular graph when d=d(n) grows more quickly than . These properties include connectivity, hamiltonicity, independent set si...