Define cingulated. cingulated synonyms, cingulated pronunciation, cingulated translation, English dictionary definition of cingulated. n. pl. cin·gu·la Biology A girdlelike marking or structure, such as a band or ridge, on an animal. cin′gu·late , ci
Anatomy of the Brain and Spinal Medulla. By Neville G. Sutton, M.B., Ch.M., D.S., F.R.C.S, F.R.A.C.S., Brisbane. 8½ 5½ in. 162 ±viii. Illustrated. 1971. London. The Butterworth Groupp. £2.80No abstract is available for this article....
Ventricles of the Brain | Structure, Functions & Uses from Chapter 11 / Lesson 10 66K What are ventricles? Learn the ventricles definition and see their functions and anatomy. See common ventricles examples and types. Related to this QuestionT...
Cerebellum | Definition & Function from Chapter 11 / Lesson 27 109K Learn about the cerebellum and its location and anatomy. See what the cerebellum is responsible for and how damage to the cerebellum affects its functions...
2.The process of splitting or separating; division. 3.A separation into subgroups or factions; a schism. 4.AnatomyA normal groove or furrow, as in the liver or brain, that divides an organ into lobes or parts. 5.MedicineA break in the skin, usually where it joins a mucous membrane, ...
(1952), Functional neuro-anatomy. Including an Atlas of the Brain Stem. By A. R. Buchanan, M.D., Professor of Anatomy, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado. Second edition. 7 × 10 ¼ in. Pp. 323, with 273 illustrations. 1951. London: Henry Kimpton. 52s...
Our data suggest that the dopamine D2 receptor −141C Ins/Del and Taq1A polymorphisms together with body mass index selectively explain putamen prediction error response. This was true using a region of interest analysis as well as for a whole-brain analysis (FWE corrected). Polymorphisms for...
Cortical depth and ROI definition The grey matter segmentation acquired with Freesurfer was further utilized to obtain cortical depth-specific compartments. Deep, middle and superficial compartments were constructed using an equi-volumetric model61,62. In order to analyze depth-specific activity in early...
Pathological anatomy of schizophrenia. In: Tiganov AS, editor. A guide to psychiatry, Ch.1. M.: Medicine; 1999. p. 506–10. (In Russian). Google Scholar Orlova VA, Savina TD, Trubnikov V and., Yu SN. etc. Structural features of the brain (according to magnetic resonance imaging)...
Ventricles of the Brain | Structure, Functions & Uses from Chapter 11 / Lesson 10 66K What are ventricles? Learn the ventricles definition and see their functions and anatomy. See common ventricles examples and types. Related to this QuestionThe...