Brain malformations are extremely polymorphous, and individual cases very often escape rigid categorization. Moreover, several malformations are frequently associated with one another in individual patients, and many are comprised within complex multiorg
Phineas Gage's skull can be seen as a permanent exhibit at Harvard Medical School's Warren Anatomical Museum in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It was placed there alongside the tamping iron that pierced it. How was Phineas Gage medically treated? Phineas Gage was medically treated by the rem...
The complex combinations of compounds in food can stimulate brain cells to release mood-alteringnorepinephrine[ˌnɔrepɪˈnefrin]去甲肾上腺素,dopamine[ˈdoʊpəmiːn]多巴胺,andserotonin[ˌserəˈtoʊnɪn]5-羟色胺.But getting to your brain ...
Procedures were approved by the Animal Welfare Committee of Flinders University (ethics approvals #861-13 and #933-16), and all protocols carried out in accordance with the National health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australian code for the care and use of animal for scientific purposes...
Terminology of Paralysis & Spinal Cord Injuries Pathophysiology of Neurological Conditions & Disorders The Mechanism of Spinal Cord Trauma Medical Specialists of the Nervous System: Terminology Stroke vs Seizure | Overview, Differences & Prognosis What Is Tardive Dyskinesia? - Definition, Causes & Symptoms...
Brain fog is not medical terminology. It is rather a description of patient's use for various symptoms they are experiencing. It is mainly described as slow and sluggish thinking and fuzziness, but it can also include searching for words, memory,concentration, problem-solving difficultie...
invasive alternative that uses stereotactic coordinates to target the Vim, avoiding the need for open surgery, while focusing multiple beams of gamma radiations. It is considered a valuable alternative, particularly for patients with medical comorbidities or uneasy with the prospect of an operation, ...
Dr. Harding also emphasizes that the book is not an exhaustive compilation of scientific findings but rather a practical guide for adults seeking to better understand the value of play in young children's development. By demystifying complex terminology and presenting real-life case studies, she pro...
This lesson covers the medical procedure known as deep brain stimulation, which places electrodes in the brain to help regulate abnormal impulses. We'll talk about why someone might undergo this procedure, and some of the possible side effects. ...
Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas of...