商标名称: CZPY 申请/注册号: 18273839 商标类型: 普通商标 是否共有商标: 否 商标申请日期: 2015-11-09 初审公告日期: 2016-11-20(1528期公告) 注册满三年日期: 2020-02-21 国际分类: 31类 饲料种籽 商标状态: 已注册 商标形式: - 优先权日期: ...
def run_cz(args): from tabulate import tabulate headers = ['Name', 'Lines', 'Tokens/Line'] table = [] package = _dir_package[args.dir] for path, _, files in os.walk(os.path.join(args.dir, 'src', package)): for name in files: if not name.endswith('.py') or name in _...
The generated assembly involves the general structure of donor-sensitizer-acceptor (Cz-Py-MV[sup 2+]) in space, although any of the photo- and redox-active components are not covalently bonded. This assembly was transferred on an indiumtin oxide (ITO) glass to fabricate an electrode. The ... Social networks: Meetup - Find and register to our meetups here! LinkedIn - We are here... Bluesky - ... and here... Facebook - ...and here! PyData Prague is a community of data scientists, engineers, analysts, and various other developers in the area of scientific...
0官方正版·新概念英语(1册) 2.1万书虫经典名著精读精讲 2.2万书虫(全级别):英文名著阅读营 135万免费正版·新概念英语1册(6节入门精讲) 739.1万天心姐姐 · 50首经典儿歌精讲 TA的资料 CZPY 0 个人电台 分享到: TA的关注(7) ...
吩噻嗪修饰的绿光主体材料:将吩噻嗪基咔唑与吡啶或三唑单元相连,得到热延迟荧光主体材料CzPTZPy及CzPTZTz. 相较于参比分子,吸电子基团的引入使CzPTZPy及CzPTZTz的禁带宽度有所降低.刚性且高度扭曲的分子结构使它们具有中等的三重态能量. 3-咔唑连接的蓝光主体材料:将高三重态能量的N-苯基咔唑与两倍数量的吡啶...
The very first PyCon conference took place in Brno, Czech Republic on November 14-15 2015. It was a fun weekend full of talks, sprints and workshops about Python. Website: 0:53:00 The future of Twisted Amber Brown 1:03:11 The secret sauce ...
双极性蓝光磷光主体材料化合物2CzPm,2TCzPm,2BFCzPm和2BFCzTrz 双极性蓝光磷光主体材料化合物2CzPy,2TCzPy 2BFCzPy,2PxzPy和2PBCzPy TADF材料DMAC-DPS作为蓝光发光材料 激基复合物CDBP:PO-T2T作为蓝光发光材料 温馨提示:仅用于科研 小编zhn2022.01.24...
Article is an attempt to explore the anthropological implications in Gadamer's concept of language. In its first part I point to the essential differences between Heidegger's and Gadamer's concept of human being and their different attitude towards the anthropological and humanist tradition. In the...
Postpy nowych cz∏onków Unii Europejskiej w realizowaniu kryteriów konwergencji gospodarczej Progress of the New EU Member States in Fulfilling the ... T Bernhard 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Ocena wpywu polityki spójnoci 2004-2006 na przeciwdziaanie negatywnym skutkom suburbanizacji (Evaluation...