CYP2D6*4 Reference Standard询价 产品描述 产品数据库 CBPA0083 Format Genomic DNA Description CYP2D6, cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily D member 6, is a member of the cytochrome P450 family of monooxygenases that catalyzes drug metabolism (PMID: 28480783). CYP2D6 variants have been associated ...
名称CYP2D6*4 Reference Standard 型号CBPA0004 报价 特点CYP2D6*4 Reference Standard 详细内容 CBPA0004 FormatGenomic DNA DescriptionCYP2D6, cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily D member 6, is a member of the cytochrome P450 family of monooxygenases that catalyzes drug metabolism (PMID: 28480783). CYP2D6...
Objective The objective of this study is to investigate the association between CYP2D6*4, CYP3A5*3 and ABCB1 3435T polymorphisms and drug-related falls. Method Multivariate logistic regression was performed in an existing database in order to study the association between falls history and CYP2D6...
Aim:The aim of this study was to investigate the associations between theCYP2D6*4polymorphism, interindividual differences inCYP2D6activity and adverse drug effects in postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) patients receiving tramadol.Patients & methods:The study comprised 158 patients (including 78 nonresponders ...
We have analyzed the influence of genetic variants CYP2D6*3 (2549delA) and CYP2D6*4 (1846G>A), as well as other factors on the effects of bisoprolol in patients with acute coronary syndrome. The study included 97 patients with acute coronary syndrome. The mean age was 63 ± 10 years; ...
dna中cyp 2d6基因 c188t位点的多态性. 细胞色素p450 2d6 2d6(cyp2d6 )是人体中重要的药物代谢酶之一而其基因多态性是引起个体间和种族间对同一药物表现出不同代谢能力的重要原因之一.cyp2d6基因在不同种族间发生多态性的位点存在明显差...
CYP2D6基因检测是指通过检测cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6)基因,来确定药物代谢的速度和效果的检测。CYP2D6是一种脂质合成酶,是药物代谢的重要分子,它可以转化大多数类精神类和抗病毒药物,从而决定药物的有效性和效果。 CYP2D6基因检测是个小分子筛查技术,可以发现在某一特定基因当中特定等位基因变异发生的情况。根据...
CYP2D6 gene is located on chromosome 22q13.1.The most frequent inactivating mutation among Caucasians is the splice site G1934A transition (CYP2D6*4 allele) that cause a truncated protein. G to A transition at the intron3/exon4 boundary of the CYP2D6 gene leads to incorrect splicing of ...
while the genotype frequencies ofCYP2D6*1/*1,CYP2D6*1/*2,CYP2D6*2/*2,CYP2D6*4/*4,CYP2D6*1/*10,CYP2D6*2/*10,CYP2D6*4/*10,CYP2D6*10/*10,CYP3A5*1/*1,CYP3A5*1/*3, andCYP3A5*3/*3were 9.7%, 2.2%, 3.7%, 1.5%, 15.7%, 9.7%, 3.7%, 53.7%, 13.4%, 47.8%, and 38.8%...
权威发布!2023DPWG指南:CYP2D6,CYP3A4和CYP1A2与抗精神病药物之间的基因-药物相互作用现已上线。由荷兰药物基因学工作组(DPWG,Dutch pharmacogenetics working group)制定发布,囊括最新诊断标准、治疗方案及临床路径。现可咨询药智数据客服获取完整指南内容,助力临床决策制