ftp://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/cygwin/ Cygwin Package Information Last downloaded files to: C:\cygwin\Packages Last downloaded files from:http://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/ ftp://ftp.linux.ee 再点击“Add”,然后再在列表中选中。选择完成后,点击“下一步”, 这一步,我们选择需要下载安装的组件...
1、安装 其实Cygwin的安装时很简单的,需要的安装相应的就可以了,要详细的去网上找,很多的。 2、卸载: 1)这一步请选择:Install form Local Directory,其它两项也可以 2)选择原来Cygwin安装的目录。 3)这里切换到uninstall,因为了我已经将Cygwin卸载了,所以这里几乎看不到软件包packages. 然后点击下一步,就可以把...
set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/package) set(CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES .git/ .github/ .vscode/ .cache/ .mypy_cache/ .idea/ complie_comands.json lcov/ lcov0/ lcov2/ data/ cmake-build-debug/ _CPack_Packages/ build.sh/ build/ build.clang/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ ${...
Cygwin 3.4.10 was the last Cygwin version supporting Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012. It will stay available via the Cygwin installer for a while, but there's no guarantee that updated Cygwin packages will still run on these systems. If you need Cygwin...
Git Source Control Provider 是 vs 的一个扩展插件,但必须依赖于 git extensions,所以第三个安装,它的作用是,可以显示文件状态、显示文件历史等,让 vs 中文件操作更加方便。 项目网址:http://gitscc.codeplex.com/ 源码:https://github.com/yysun/Git-Source-Control-Provider 视频教程:www.youtube.com/watch...
Full source code is available for all packages and tools. More information is available on using the Cygwin Setup program. If you do it any other way, you're on your own! If something doesn't work right for you, and it's not covered here or in the latest Cygwin test package (see...
这个oh-my-zsh是用来方便管理Z-Shell配置的,能让你更方便的使用插件和主题。要想在cygwin中用Z-Shell,其实就是在Select Packages时搜索zsh,选中Shells下的zsh: The Z-Shell。为了能方便的用oh-my-zsh,也要安装一下Net下的curl包。安装完后你运行zsh就应该可以进入Z-Shell环境了。退出Z-Shell,在Bash中运行...
A: You do not want to do this! This will install an enormous number of packages that you will never use, including debuginfo and source for every package. If you really must do this, clicking on the "Default" label next to the "All" category to change it to "Install" will mark ...
在"Select Packages"页面,选择你需要安装的软件包。你可以通过搜索框来查找特定的软件包,也可以选择默认的安装选项。 安装程序将自动下载并安装所选软件包。 安装完成后,你可以在开始菜单中找到Cygwin的快捷方式,通过它来启动Cygwin终端。 Cygwin的优势包括: 兼容性:Cygwin提供了一个类Unix环境,使得在Windows上运行的类...
# Number of Downloads: 180850 | Downloads for this version: 647 # Package url # Chocolatey Package Source: https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-coreteampackages/tree/master/automatic/vagrant # Package Checksum: 'jWBgNNGsd2nEgdRY+cN0F6npCY2iDjME0nKCMu+VFQF+H8Xnv1fyPYTpl1rcCnc+2PP7A...