packagenamesareprovidedinthecommandline,allinstalledpackageswill bequeried. listall Thiswillsearcheachpackageinthemasterpackagelist(setup.ini)for namesthatmatchregexp. category Displayallpackagesthataremembersofanamedcategory. listfiles Listallfilesownedbyagivenpackage.Multiplepackagescanbespecified onthecommandline....
rdepends Produce a treeofpackages that dependonthe named package. listSearcheachlocally-installed packagefornames thatmatchregexp. Ifnopackage namesareprovidedinthe command line,allinstalled packages will be queried. listall This willsearcheachpackageinthe master package list (setup.ini)fornames thatmatc...
Updated setup.ini Searching for installed packages matching php: php php-Archive_Tar php-Console_Getopt php-PEAR php-Structures_Graph # 以下省略 ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. ...
Updated setup.ini Searching for installed packages matching php: php php-Archive_Tar php-Console_Getopt php-PEAR php-Structures_Graph # 以下省略 ...
For a searchable list of packages that can be installed with Cygwin, see 2.2. What about an automated Cygwin installation? The Cygwin Setup program is designed to be interactive, but there are a few different ways to automate it. If you are deploying to mult...
(b) If the OMS as well as the target is on Microsoft Windows, ensure that Cygwin is installed in the same location on the OMS host. While installing Cygwin, ensure that you select the following packages in the Select Packages screen: ...
For a searchable list of packages that can be installed with Cygwin, see 2.2. What about an automated Cygwin installation? The Cygwin Setup program is designed to be interactive, but there are a few different ways to automate it. If you are deploying to mult...
10.1. Is there a list of software that has been ported to Cygwin/X? Look in Cygwin's setup program for packages in the X11 category. 10.2. How do I start porting software to Cygwin/X? Cygwin/X provides a software interface that is very similar to the software interface provided by GN...
[targets]DESCRIPTIONapt-cyg is a package management utility that tracks installed packages on aCygwin system. Invoking apt-cyg involves specifying an operation with anypotential options and targets to operate on. A target is usually a packagename, file name, URL, or a search string. Targets can...
Searching for installed packages matching php: php php-Archive_Tar php-Console_Getopt php-PEAR php-Structures_Graph # 以下省略 ... 关联文章 1.cygwin 升级到 1.7 后,git gui 和 gitk 报错 2.PuTTYcyg 的替代者 FuTTY 3.Cygwin 与 MinGW/MSYS/MSYS2,如何选择? 4.PuTTYcyg 的替代者 mintty 5.使用 ...