Cycloheximide, a widely used inhibitor of protein synthesis, stimulates glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and ureogenesis in isolated rat hepatocytes. The effects of cycloheximide were compared to those of norepinephrine. Both agents, cycloheximide and norepinephrine, produced slight increases in the levels of...
Mutants which grew slowly at 100 pg/ml, but showed normal growth on media supplemented with 40 sg/ml (142 1sM) cyclo- heximide after 3-5 days at 30° were considered to have the low resistance phenotype. (ii) Culture media Yeast Extract Agar (YEA), Malt Extract Agar (MEA), Minimal ...
In yeast cells 6,7 and mammalian cells 8 cyclo heximide inhibits both protein and DNA synthesis simultaneously, whereas the inhibition of RNA synthesis is delayed. With intact cells, it was not possible to resolve the controversy over whether the primary effect of cyclo heximide was on the ...
FREEMAN TP, ME DUYSEN 1978 The significance of protein synthesis early in the etioplast to chloroplast conversion of wheat leaves as demonstrated by cyclo- heximide treatment. Protoplasma 97: 111-114Freeman, T. P., Duysen, M. E. , 1978: The significance of protein synthesis early in the ...