Instead of hitting those brakes hard and turning the wheel, consider driving another block and doubling back. If the biker traveling behind you doesn't have time to react they're going to end up hitting your car, which will likely throw the rider to the pavement or into your vehicle. Plan...
Well, there is an exercise element to it which is good for my physical and mental health. Also, there’s a comradery among bikers which starts with a hello to every biker you pass and leads all the way to joining biking groups that go for rides. I have not ventured into that world,...
Many beginning road cyclists ride at average speeds between 10 and 14 mph on the road. It’s certainly possible to sustain a higher speed, and some new riders who were already runners or some other type of endurance athlete may pedal at 15-18 mph or even higher. Professional bicycle racers...
However, if you are a mountain biker, the integrated Trailforks and mountain biking dynamics, plus all the built-in trail maps, will probably be the standout features that might tempt you to upgrade. If touring is your thing, the built-in, high-quality global maps (and access ...
Flats are smoother: On a flat, wide-open road, the fixed gear bike enforces a smooth cadence. I got into the "biker’s rhythm"—and stayed there—more easily than usual. Track bikes are good on the track:On the way in to work, I stopped by the Velodrome (I can’t get over how...
Hello Elden. You don’t know me but I consider you a friend if our paths ever cross. When I first discovered your blog I was a firefighter by trade and a mountain biker by passion, although never really competitive. You were blogging a lot about Susan at the time. My heart broke for...
I should clarify, I take no responsibility for anybody who was a regular mountain biker before they rode with me. That means I don’t take responsibility for Tom Burch following me off a huge kicker on Pine Hollow and landing in a crumpled heap, and rolling right into his wife’s feet ...
You’ll note that I’m not getting super specific about exactly what this gear entails. That’s because the ultimate cycling wardrobe would be different for a mountain biker than for a roadie. It would be different for a man than a woman. It would be different for someone who lives in ...
To solve this problem, Kenny had an ingenious idea: a snail necklace. Whoever was the last person in the group would have to wear a specially-constructed necklace, featuring a snail shell. If (and when) that person passed another person, s/he would hand the necklace off to the new slowe...
Camp Kesem makes a practical difference to kids who’ve had to worry too much. And it makes a practical difference to parents, who worry about the fact that their kids aren’t getting to have a fun childhood. I’m fundraising for Camp Kesem because I believe in and have seen the good...