作动词时,【正式】骑自行车(单车)去某处to go somewhere by bicycle。和bike, cycle意思相同。例句:If you bicycle somewhere, you cycle there. 如果你骑自行车去某个地方,你就骑自行车去那里。As verbs, the difference between bike and bicycle...
The same goes for “riding a bike”, because “bike” can refer to both a bicycle and a motorbike. 查看更多回答 Q: cycle 和circulate 的差別在哪裡? A: I will talk only about their uses as verbs.Cycle means to go in a loop or to cause to go in a loop. (a cycle)"The game...
:to ride a bicycle or motorcycle Medical Definition cycle 1 of 2noun cy·cleˈsī-kəl 1 :a recurring series of events: as :a series of stages through which an organism tends to pass once in a fixed order the commoncycleof birth, growth, senescence and death— ...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
A&B Cycle is the largest bicycle shop in Springfield, Missouri. We offer a great selection of bikes and can't wait to help you find a bike you love or repair the one you have.
"Teaching novice cyclists how to balance and cycle fills my heart with joy," she said. Saudi women conquer Jeddah streets on bicycle Philippines, May 9, 1990, 6th cycle, Taurus (Snake), Horse Miss Universe forecast: My Magic 12 There are two types of plasma motion that determine the solar...
I am a huge fan of my Terra Nova Solar, which has travelled the world with me over the years, on the back of my motorbike and bicycle.A bit pricey but well made, its a roomy one person tent ( you can store your panniers inside), or a cosy 2 person tent with your luggage in ...
to continue on two wheels. Within 24 hours, she’d bought a €10 bike from a scrapyard, strapped her backpack to it, and spent the next two months cycling across Europe to Istanbul. Her life-changing bicycle adventure required less than a day of planning and no special equipment ...
Hypercat Cycleworks is full service bicycle shop specializing in bike fitting, custom builds and upgrades. Come visit us and enjoy one-on-one concierge service and experience the Hypercat difference!
number of bicycles in the Netherlands is currently reported to beabout 23 million. That's about 1.3 bikes per person. This figure is of course pushed upward by all the people who own many bicycles, including pretty much everyone who I know, and pulled downward by people with no bicycle at...