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G. N. de Vooys 11. Organic Carbon in the Ocean: Nature and Cycling K. Mopper and E. T. Degens 12. Carbon in the Freshwater Cycle S. Kempe 13. Carbon in the Rock Cycle S. Kempe 14. Potential Use of Satellites for Assessing Pools and Fluxes of the Carbon Cycle on Earth K.-H....
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Aberrant activity of cell cycle protein kinases, leading to uncontrolled cell proliferation, is a hallmark of human cancer. Here, Lapenna and Giordano review recent progress in the modulation of specific protein kinase activity for the treatment of vario
The role of metamorphic decarbonation reactions in returning strontium to the silicate sediment mass The strontium-isotope evolution of the Earth's silicate sediments indicates that they must interact with a strontium reservoir whose 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio is ... Bickle,J M. - 《Nature》 被引量:...
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MF Henry - 《Bulletin De La Societe Botanique De France Actualites Botaniques》 被引量: 0发表: 1981年 Physical map and gene organization of the mitochondrial genome from the unicellular green algaPlatymonas (Tetraselmis) subcordiformis (Prasinophyceae) SummaryThe Elaeagnus angustifolia, L. root no...
France-Lanord, C. & Derry, L. A. Organic carbon burial forcing of the carbon cycle from Himalayan erosion. Nature 390, 65–67 (1997). Discovered very high fluxes of organic-carbon burial in the Bengal Fan as a result of Himalayan erosion, far outpacing silicate weathering in this system...
, Obra Social “La Caixa”, a Career Integration Grant within the seventh European Community Framework Programme (PCIG10-GA-2011-303848 to P.R.-C.), Fundació la Marató de TV3 (project 20133330 to P.R.-C.). IBEC is recipient of a Severo Ochoa Award of Excellence from the MINECO....