The history of Earth’s sulfur cycle The redox transformations of sulfur mean it is a key component of global biogeochemical cycles. This Review explores the sulfur cycle over geological time, including its role during major climate perturbations, oceanic anoxic events and the evolution of life. ...
A model simulating the carbon cycle in low-oxygen aquatic environments suggests a potential pathway to increase alkalinity production and carbon dioxide uptake, offering an affordable and scalable method of carbon capture in aquaculture systems.
9月2日,东北大学生命科学与健康学院刘丽君教授联合美国哈佛大学医学院/Dana Farber肿瘤研究所Piotr Sicinski教授在Nature子刊Nature Cell Biology杂志发表了一篇题为The Cell Cycle in Stem Cell Proliferation, Pluripotency and Differentiation的综述,取得了东北大学教师在Nature子刊上发表论文的又一新成就。东北大学“海外...
[16] Mack, N. A., Whalley, H. J., Castillo-Lluva, S., & Malliri, A. (2011). The diverse roles of Rac signaling in tumorigenesis. Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.), 10(10), 1571–1581. [17] Scita, G., Tenca, P., Areces, L. B....
近日,来自美国国家癌症研究所的Steven D. Cappell研究小组在Nature杂志上发表题为Loss of CDK4/6 activity in S/G2 phase leads to cell cycle reversal的研究论文,这篇文章所报道的模式与教科书相反,即细胞周期是完全可逆的。在没有有丝分裂原的情况下,有丝分裂和细胞周期退出之间的竞争决定了细胞命运,这种时间...
CYCLE ASSESSMENT 1065 Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 1065 Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 1068 1069 Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 1070 Circulation-Cardiovascular Genetics 1071 Microbial Biotechnology 1072 MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS 1073 Microbial Genomics ...
经过十余年的探索,人们对染色质的三维结构有了比较直观与丰富的了解。然而,在第四维度(时间维度)上染色质的三维结构的动力学变化(chromatin structure dynamics)方面,人们依然了解的相对较少。其中的一个热点就是在细胞周期(cell cycle)的过程当中,染色质的三维结构是怎么变化的。
8. Li, W. et al. Nuclear localization of mitochondrial TCA cycle enzymes modulates pluripotency via histone acetylation. Nature Communications Dec 02 2022 online, (可上下滑动阅览)原标题:《【学术前沿】专家点评Nature子刊|刘兴国组揭示线粒体TCA酶入核...
Farquhar J, Bao H, Thiemens M. Atmospheric influence of Earth'searliest sulfur cycle[J]. Science, 2000, 289(5480): 756-758.Farquhar J, Wing B A, McKeegan K D, et al. Mass-independent sulfurof inclusions in diamond and sulfur recycling on early Earth[J]. Science, 2002,298(5602): ...
[6] Giacinti, C., & Giordano, A. (2006). RB and cell cycle progression. Oncogene, 25(38), 5220-5227. [7] Debacq-Chainiaux, F., Erusalimsky, J. D., Campisi, J., & Toussaint, O. (2009). Protocols to detect senescence-associated beta...