With one hand the Eezy ... Travel System Ready One frame, three travel options. In addition t ... XXL Sun Canopy Shield your child from the e ... Video This is a modal window. Aborted Next upNext up: Setting up your Eezy S Twist+2 ...
The Eezy S Twist+2 by CYBEX: The lightweight stroller from CYBEX can be rotated 360° with just one hand so your child can sit facing forwards or backwards. Compatible with Cybex infant car seats. ✓ Compact ✓ Ergonomic Near-Flat ✓ Travel system
The agile new Eezy S Twist+2 makes life easier for parents and more comfortable for their children. With one hand the seat unit and integrated leg rest can be rotated 360°—from parent-facing to forward-facing and back again. The 3-in-1 Travel System gives parents multiple options for ...
The Eezy S Twist +2 makes the everyday easier. The seat unit with its integrated leg rest can be rotated 360°, with just one hand. This lets you switch between parent-facing and forward-facing and back again in a heartbeat. All-terrain wheels and 4-wheel suspension keep rides smooth...
單手折疊設計可在幾秒鐘內將Eezy S Twist轉變為細小,獨立的包裝,非常適合公共交通,狹窄的街道和旅行。 可調較式椅背確保您的孩子始終感到舒適可擴展的XXL 遮陽罩 具有UPF50 +等級和窗口,讓風和刺眼的陽光遠離您的孩子。 使用方法 可參考以下連結及視頻:https://images.cybex-online.com/...
👶🏻 探索Cybex Eezy S Twist伞车的奥秘!这款进口婴儿车以其独特的360度旋转功能脱颖而出。市面上大多数高景观婴儿车仅提供前后两个方向,而Eezy S Twist则能够轻松实现一键反向360度旋转,让宝宝面朝任何方向都变得简单。👶🏻 重量方面,Eezy S Twist整车仅重7.3kg,既轻便又具备舒适的减震功能。四轮外露弹簧...
全面升级的 EEZY S TWIST² 时尚便携婴儿车轻至8.3千克,其巧妙简洁的现代化设计和丰富功能,适合当代都市生活中的各种场景,轻盈、便携、易于折叠的特性让你在不同交通工具间无缝切换,助力旅途顺畅无忧。 360°旋转座椅 正反向乘坐切换的新姿势 CYBEX EEZY S TWIST²时尚便携婴儿车,独特的360°旋转功能为你和宝宝...
新生儿阶段:CloudQ安全座椅提篮+Cybex Eezy S Twist车架 🚗在新生儿阶段,我选择了Cybex的CloudQ安全座椅提篮。官方说适用年龄是0-18个月,但实际上一般用不到那么久。我选择这款提篮主要是因为以下几个原因: 希望宝宝尽早适应安全座椅,早点养成习惯。 车里抱着宝宝不安全,提篮可以固定在车后座,安全性更高。
这就是CYBEX EEZY S TWIST2,一款好用又舒适的时尚轻便婴儿车,精妙的工业设计与便捷的人性化功能,带给宝妈们便捷的使用体验,让您从忙碌的生活副本里节省大量的体力和时间,更高效地投入到带娃的主线中去。EEZY S TWIST2 适合当代都市生活中的各种场景,简直是宝妈们带娃的贴心小助手。一起乘风破浪,从容享受生活与旅...
The Eezy S Twist+2 stroller combines a 360˚ rotatable seat with all-terrain wheels for tackling uneven surfaces. For an extra level of safety, secure your child easily with the one-pull harness. Age 6 mths - 4 yrs Weight 55 lbs....