The Eezy S Twist+2 is the ideal travel companion. It fits in the overhead compartments of most airplanes used by airlines for regular flights. On planes with very small overhead compartments, it’s easy to take the seat unit off the frame with one click. Therefore you can give the frame...
The Eezy S Twist+2 is designed for you to experience the best moments with your little one - no matter what twists and turns the day may bring. Shop Now This is a modal window. Network request failed Travel With Ease Get to know a stroller with highly intuitive features to effortlessly ...
The agile new Eezy S Twist+2 makes life easier for parents and more comfortable for their children. With one hand the seat unit and integrated leg rest can be rotated 360°—from parent-facing to forward-facing and back again. The 3-in-1 Travel System gives parents multiple options for ...
The Eezy S Twist +2 makes the everyday easier. The seat unit with its integrated leg rest can be rotated 360°, with just one hand. This lets you switch between parent-facing and forward-facing and back again in a heartbeat. All-terrain wheels and 4-wheel suspension keep rides smooth...
自从我们家小遇宝宝满5个月后,真是变得超级难带,非得抱着才能入睡。之前的婴儿车已经完全不能满足我们的需求了。经过一番研究和比较,我们最终选择了Cybex Eezy s twist +2。其实+2和+2的区别就在于轮子,其他功能完全一样。🌟 先来说说这款车的优点吧 🌟🐼 轻便灵活:车子小巧轻便,转向非常灵活,登机也很...
Lightweight, Easy to Push: How Much Does the Cybex Eezy Twist + 2 V2 Stroller Weigh? The Cybex Eezy S Twist+2 V2 Stroller is lightweight, weighing just 18.9 lbs, making it easy to carry and maneuver without sacrificing stability. Its lightweight design ensures that busy parents can handle...
Cybex推车,轻便又实用! 一直在寻找一款轻便的婴儿推车,之前在新西兰购买了Maxi Cosi的推车,但它的重量和体积让我觉得不方便旅行。回国后,我决定再买一款轻便的推车。原本考虑过yoyo,但它的单向设计并不符合我的需求。幸运的是,我发现了Cybex Eezy S twist 2,它完美地满足了我的所有期望:可以双向使用,配有脚托,单...
全面升级的 EEZY S TWIST² 时尚便携婴儿车轻至8.3千克,其巧妙简洁的现代化设计和丰富功能,适合当代都市生活中的各种场景,轻盈、便携、易于折叠的特性让你在不同交通工具间无缝切换,助力旅途顺畅无忧。 360°旋转座椅 正反向乘坐切换的新姿势 CYBEX EEZY S TWIST²时尚便携婴儿车,独特的360°旋转功能为你和宝宝...
Cybex Eezy S Twist婴儿推车采用了先进的避震技术,使得四轮在行驶过程中能够有效过滤地面的震动,大大减少了对宝宝的影响。其小巧灵活的结构,能够轻松穿梭于各种复杂环境中,无论是狭窄的街道还是拥挤的公共交通工具,都能应对自如。万向前轮的设计更是为父母带来了极大的便利,使得在推车过程中更加灵活多...
细节设计非常贴心,五点式安全带可以有效防止宝宝翻出车外。脚底可以打开或锁定,不会伤到宝宝的鞋面和脚趾。超大置物篮,对于我这种出门总是大包小包的宝妈来说,简直是救星,再也不用担心背包太重了。 总的来说,这款Cybex Eezy s Twist2婴儿推车真的是让我爱不释手,推荐给所有宝妈们! 0 0 发表评论 发表 作者...