This guide shows how to romance Judy Alvarez in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77) and start a relationship with her. Judy is a girl you meet during the story. She will appear in several main quests and then have to do her 5 Side Quests afterward. She can be romanced and seduced during her final...
Required Gender:Judy is female. She can only be romanced when playing as a Female character with a female body type and female voice (Lesbian relationship). Guide:How to Romance Judy Alvarez (All Dialogue Choices) River Ward Required Gender:River Ward is male. He can only be romanced when...
That the game provides for cis, trans, straight, homosexual, and lesbian protagonists to exist in a normalized way is pretty remarkable, and it goes one step further and provides romanceable NPCs for each option. I legitimately do not understand how this can be viewed negatively. 1 comment |...
Note: If you’re male and tell Judy “Looking fine in that wetsuit” she will be repulsed by this coming from a man. She is lesbian and only likes women, and will block all romantic attempts coming from male characters. Dive into the water Jump into the lake, Judy will jump after yo...