This guide shows how to romance Judy Alvarez in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77) and start a relationship with her. Judy is a girl you meet during the story. She will appear in several main quests and then have to do her 5 Side Quests afterward. She can be romanced and seduced during her final...
Alias(es) Jude[1]Punchin' Judy[2]Ranita[3] Age 24[4] Status Alive Date of Birth November 27[5], 2052[4] Place of Birth Laguna Bend, Badlands Home Watson, Night City Residence Judy's Apartment Physical Information Gender Female Hair Color Green/Pink (2077)Black (2079)Brown...
Required Gender:Judy is female. She can only be romanced when playing as a Female character with a female body type and female voice (Lesbian relationship). Guide:How to Romance Judy Alvarez (All Dialogue Choices) River Ward Required Gender:River Ward is male. He can only be romanced when...
Learn how to romance Judy, Panam, River, and Kerry, as well as the other minor romance options.
If you're interested in getting into a relationship with Judy, you must complete these prerequisites first: Reject Maiko's plan or payment during the side quest "Pisces". Go diving with Judy, then spend the night in the side quest "Pyramid Song". ...
This decision will not affect your relationship with Judy and the dolls, although Judy will initially be shocked by your decision to eliminate Maiko. The second scenario - In this variant, V shares Tyger Claws' view that Hiromi must leave and that there must be a change of management. If ...
Thankfully for fans,Cyberpunk 2077's1.5 patch made romancing Judyeven more compelling. Entering into the relationship now provides the same story and quest options as before, but with the added bonus of being able to send text messages (some of which can even include some mildly NSFW content...
I romanced Judy in my playthrough, and was very impressed by the depth (figuratively and in this case literally... the scuba thing was a nice surprise) of the interactions. I still would have liked to see more to it, and especially follow-up on the relationship to add depth to it onc...
You'll need to grab the Death's Head Moth Braindance during the Cyberpunk 2077 Disasterpiece mission with Judy, but you've got a few ways to approach getting this dark BD. During the I Walk The Line mission, there are a few ways you can deal with the Cyberpunk 2077 NetWatch Agent. ...
Complete all the assigned side quests to begin your relationship with Judy Upon completing this side quest is completed, V will be getting more of them from Judy. So, keep your eyes on the phone for any incoming calls from Judy Alvarez if you want to 'speedrun' your romance. Once all th...