Briefly, yellow–green fluorescent sulfate microspheres (Ex/Em 505/ 515, 1.0 mm diameter, Life Technologies) were labelled with 10 mg ml À 1 of Ab specific for mouse chemokines including anti-CXCL10 (catalogue number MAB466-500, clone 134013), anti-CXCL9 (catalogue number AF392, affinity...
C The structural model of human C XCL10(1–77) of AlfaFold DB (AF-P02778-F1) is displayed from two different perspectives with a non-transparent surface to visualize the receptor interaction surface. Potential CXCR3 binding residues of CXCL10 are indicated in ...
(C) Representative plots that display dsRed and AF633 fluorescence intensity of lung neutrophils in DT-treated pDC depleter (right panel) and non-Tg littermates (left panel) 72 h pi with 3 × 107 Af293 FLARE conidia. R1 denotes neutrophils that contain live conidia, R2 denotes neutrophils...