Ccr2-RFP single positive bone marrow-derived macrophages were observed to migrate into the retina of Mertk (-/-) Cx3cr1 (GFP/+) Ccr2 (RFP/+) mice. These invading cells were still observed in the subretinal space in 18-week-old animals.Cx3cr1-GFP-positive microglia and Ccr2-RFP-...
而在本研究中胸腺内所有的CX3CR1+DCs都是Sirpα+的。 为了进一步探索细胞从肠道迁移到胸腺的机制,我们利用了KikGR33转基因小鼠模型——这些小鼠的所有细胞都表达绿色荧光蛋白(GFP),当它们被照射在405 nm波长的光下时,GFP会被光转化为红色荧光蛋白(RFP)。本研究光转化了幼年和成年KikGR33小鼠的盲肠,并在48h后...
Cx3cr1-GFP and Ccr2-RFP dual positive activated microglia were observed in the outer retina and subretinal space of 6- and 8-week-old animals. Ccr2-RFP single positive bone marrow-derived macrophages were observed to migrate into the retina of Mertk (-/-) Cx3cr1 (GFP/+) Ccr2 (RFP/...
Next, using CX3CR1gfp/+:CCR2rfp/+ mice to capture the dynamic spectrum of macrophage phenotypes during wound healing, we showed that wound macrophages transition from a CX3CR1lo/med to a CX3CR1hi phenotype at the onset of WIHG. Finally, WIHG is abolished in mice deficient for CX3CR...