使用Aldh1l1-CreERT2 小鼠,科研工作者可特异性标记神经系统中星形胶质细胞,进而通过基因干扰、基因过表达等手段特异性探究单一脑区内胶质细胞及其内部某分子的功能,亦有潜力开展神经转分化相关基因治疗。其中,CreERT2 系统需要腹腔注射他莫昔芬或 4-羟基-他莫昔芬来诱导 Cre 表达。星形胶质细胞在调节成年神经再生、...
Cx3cr1-CreERT2 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(creERT2-WPRE-polyA)Smoc 品系状态:活体 | 目录号:NM-KI-200157 Cx3cr1-2A-EGFP 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(P2A-EGFP)Smoc 品系状态:活体 | 目录号:NM-KI-210099 Cx3cr1-Cre 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(iCre)Smoc ...
Cx3cr1CreERT2 mice express Cre recombinase in a tamoxifen-inducible manner and have been widely used to delete target genes in microglia, since microglia are long-lived cells and outlive peripheral macrophages, which continuously turn over and lose their gene modification over time. ATG7 is an ...
Lee et al. Molecular Brain (2020) 13:88 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13041-020-00630-4 MICRO REPORT Open Access Cx3cr1CreERT2-driven Atg7 deletion in adult mice induces intestinal adhesion Younghwan Lee1, Ji-Won Lee1, Hyeri Nam1 and Seong-Woon Yu1,2* Abstract Microglia are macrophages ...
To study the role of ATG7 in adult microglia, we generated Cx3cr1CreERT2:Atg7fl/fl mice and deleted Atg7 at the age of 8 weeks, and found induction of intestinal adhesion. Since intestinal adhesion is caused by excessive inflammation, these results suggest that deletion of Atg7 in ...
Microglia are macrophages resident in the central nervous system. C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1 (CX3CR1) is a Gαi-coupled seven-transmembrane protein exclusively expressed in the mononuclear phagocyte system including microglia, as well as intestinal and kidney macrophages.Cx3cr1CreERT2mice ...
Cx3cr1-CreERT2 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(creERT2-WPRE-polyA)Smoc 品系状态:活体 | 目录号:NM-KI-200157 Cx3cr1-2A-EGFP 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(P2A-EGFP)Smoc 品系状态:活体 | 目录号:NM-KI-210099 Cx3cr1-Cre 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(iCre)Smoc ...
Mouse: Cx3cr1-CreER: B6.129P2(Cg)-Cx3cr1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Litt/WganJ The Jackson Laboratory RRID: IMSR_JAX:021160 Mouse: Gpr35-tdTomato: Gpr35 < tm1.1Niess > Mouse Genome Informatics Jackson Laboratory MGI:6436879 Mouse: Gpr35−/−: Gpr35 < em1Niess > Mouse Genome Informatics Jacks...
RESULTS: Histological and expression profiles of CCM neurovascular lesions (Slco1c1-iCreERT2;Pdcd10fl/fl; Pdcd10BECKO ) in male and female mice found that sustained mild hypoxia (12% O2, 7 days) accelerates CCM disease. Our findings indicate that a small reduction in oxygen levels can ...
Temporal genetic labeling (Cx3cr1-CreERT2;R26-tdTomato) showed that CX3CR1+ cells at E6.5 can contribute to cardiomyocytes (CMs) and endothelial cells (ECs) during prenatal development via both de novo differentiation and fusion with pre-existing CMs or ECs, respectively. In the adult heart...