Composing at this speed would moreover help you with meeting the essentials of most composing reasons for living from meaning programming. (Spare that of a Court Reporter, which requires an ordinary composing speed of 225 WPM!) What is the typical wpm for a drawn-out old? The typical ...
The persistent bigotry of Fox News has once again burst into the open with their publication of an Associated Press article that they altered in a manner that totally changes the meaning in a most offensive way. The article written by the AP’s Judy Lin was distributed with a headline that ...
Boothe’s last comment, however, was true. It is the media that has propped up Antifa. Primarily the conservative media. They need it to deploy their Whataboutism tactic whenever there is violence from the alt-right supporters of the GOP. Some members of Antifa may be well-meaning anti-f...
and in all three cases they have been treated as victims of a White House cabal determined to clamp down on the liberty of well-meaning patriots. Thelie-riddled Fox Nationwebsite went so far as to ask“Is There A COORDINATED VAST LEFT-WING CONSPIRACY?”They never bothered to answer...
In addition, Fox misrepresented the meaning of the message by twisting it to suggest advocacy of a“gun grab.”However, it should be noted that no one – not Yoko, not Obama, not any proposal before congress – is calling for anything like the sort of confiscatory distortion advanced by...