a fool and/or a coward. Although, Sauer does have at least some experience with the Supreme Court. He represented Trump in his immunity case that ended up with a ruling that put an end to the longstanding principle that, in America, no one is above the law.His arguments included some c...
Harris’ parents divorced when she was seven and she was raised by her mother. Kirk fails to mention that Trump’s own wife is almost never with him (at rallies, or court, or dinners at Mar-a-Lago). Melania made a token appearance at the RNC at the very end, and she never addresse...
kilpailijasi uusissa ja uusissa pelitiloissa. OMA MyTEAM, OMA TAPASI Kilpailu käy kuumana MyTEAMissa. Haasta kilpailevat joukkueet kaikkien aikojen MyTEAM-joukkueesi kokoonpanoilla ja taistele muiden huippupelaajien kanssa viikoittaisessa King of the Court -kilpailussa. Kamppaile muita ...
REFORMATION. If it is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction in any state that any restriction in Sections 7-12 of this Agreement is excessive in duration or scope or is unreasonable or unenforceable under the laws of that state, it is the intention of you and the Company that such...
Fox has assignedJana Winter, the reporter who is still inlegal hot waterfor violating a judge’s court order in the case of the Aurora movie theater massacre. She is now reporting that Fox News is devoting substantial resources to this controversy. According to Winter, finding the mysterious ...
Defense of Marriage Act. The Supreme Court later struck it down as unconstitutional. So Holder was right, and his position prevented the waste of scarce resources on a vain mission to defend the indefensible. Nevertheless, the law was fully enforced up until the Supreme Court issued its ruling...
is unconstitutional until the Supreme Courts says it is. The House of Representatives has no authority to unilaterally designate something the president does as unconstitutional. Secondly, any acts declared unconstitutional by the court are already null and void and don’t require a congressional resolu...
These are the extreme, unhinged, and disrespectful lengths that the Foxies will go to in order to malign a committed, intelligent young woman who stepped up to serve her country. And the fear that she has stirred in their shriveled hearts is unmistakable. This is the sort of full-court pr...
—“Republicans” will – and have – demanded the removal of ANY government official that goes against the wishes of Their Beloved God. This includes senators, members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, state governors, and mayors; and ...
to escape were all waiting for him. He still has a special prosecutor investigating his links to Russia. His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is embroiled in an espionage controversy. His immigration ban on Muslims was struck down by another federal court. And his legislative agenda is non-...