While the symptoms of both diseases are similar, the causes and impacts are quite different. CWD is caused by an abnormal protein, whereas HD is caused by a virus. A critical distinction is that 100% of deer infected with CWD will eventually die, while mortality rates of deer infected with...
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has confirmed that a road-killed 4.5 year-old female white-tailed deer in Holmes County sampled during routine surveillance activities has tested positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD). It is the first known case of CWD in Florida....
Monitoring free-ranging deer involves a passive and an active component. Passive (or targeted) monitoringtests deer that display abnormal behaviors such as listlessness, lowering of the head, inattentiveness toward people, walking in circles, staggering, and standing with a wide stance and/or are ab...
Symptoms of EHD and CWD Three days to a week after being bit by a gnat, deer with EHD develop a fever, bleed internally along the digestive tract and die. Death often occurs near water. There are various viral strains of EHD, and some deer develop an immunity to specific viral strains....
or repetitively walking in a circle—perhaps other reasons the "zombie deer disease" moniker has stuck. But it's important to keep in mind that other sicknesses besides CWD can cause these symptoms in cervids. The only way to know if an animal has CWD requires examining and testing the br...