话说回到联合 concentrator 搞的 (abcCVX 上,@kmets 推文里的很多图都非常便于我们去理解 )abcCVX 。 https://twitter.com/kmets_/status/1621146468500537344 因为用户存入的 cvx 是可以立即取出 50% 数量的 clevCVX 的,而 bribe 收益年化目前也就是 30%,一方面是数量上的不对等,另外一方面是时间周期上的严重...
Hey. Good morning. Maybe just maybe one on the Eastern Mediterranean. Can you maybe just provide a status update in terms of the current operations, the Tamar expansion efforts it's the next leg of potential expansion of commercial development there and what impact I guess, what is and is ...
Hey. Good morning. Maybe just maybe one on the Eastern Mediterranean. Can you maybe just provide a status update in terms of the current operations, the Tamar expansion efforts it's the next leg of potential expansion of commercial development there and what impact I guess, what is and is ...
Great. Very helpful and great progress there. And sticking with TCO in that part of your portfolio. There’s been a lot of headlines around the CPC pipeline in recent weeks and months. I just wondering if you could give us a status update on where things stand there? And then also to ...