BD_status=cvx_status; UB1=cvx_optval;function [alpha1,beta1,r,m,phi,BD_status,UB1]=Benders_SP(x,y, A, Aa, B, Bt, Cc, Cg, cmu, cxigma, d, GAMA, i, j, p, pxita, Q, rc, rd, t, t3, v, v3, w, xitao, gammaC, gammaD, gammaZ) parameters; cvx_begin cvx_solver mos...
Status: Infeasible Optimal value (cvx_optval): +Inf Mark_L_Stone(Mark L. Stone)February 15, 2022, 1:02pm2 Follow the advice at
Social Status x Nike SB Dunk Mid Pro 近期美国潮流名所 Social Status 携手 Nike 推出了一个全新联名系列,今番此次系列两个配色分别得到曝光,可以看到鞋款分别以不同口味糖果色系装扮,无论是质感还是配色都十分讨喜。特地选用的翻毛皮与丝绒面料拼接,柔软顺滑材质给人香甜可口的甜甜圈既视感,再点缀麻绳设计鞋带,...
What should I do when the status is ‘Infeasible’ in cvx? The code as following: cvx_begin variable Ps(1,N) %% N 为 UAV飞行轨迹时隙的个数 variable t_traj %expression rate2(1,N) expression temp2_i(K,N) expression temp2_j(K,N) for n=1:N b2(n)=gamma.*alpha1_r(n); c2(...
i tried to solve lmi problem with cvx. i actully used feasible problem that have been solved with yalmip. So this is a feasible problem. but cvx gives 2 error, randomly. solution status is unbounded and it is not fe…
Status: Infeasible Optimal value (cvx_optval): -Inf Dear Mark My problem is still unsolvable. My teacher told me that the original problem can be solved as convex functions and convex constraints. My teacher said that my code was wrong, but after many times of checking my code was correct...
Status: Infeasible Optimal value (cvx_optval): +Inf The status of the solver is Infeasible. I am not sure if I am using the “expression” feature correctly. I went through the CVX user guide but I couldn’t figure out the error. Can anyone please point out the error in the code?
When I finished writing the code and running it, I found that cvx had no results, and his status is Infeasible, i dont know why, can you help me? CVX Warning: Models involving “log” or other functions in the log, exp, …
I am a new user of CVX and try solve the convex optimal problem recently in SDPT3 mode. However, the result is always this as below: status: Failed Optimal value (cvx_optval): NaN. The MATLAB code is as below: clc; …
the following code works fine and gives me the optimal solution for the given input, but when I change m = 1 and r = [11 6] the problem becomes infeasible which is not!!! any idea what am I missing here? r = [11 6; 11…