variable Z(5,5) semidefinite半正定(对称正定矩阵)variable Q(5,5) complexsemidefinite厄密共轭矩阵 ...
[-1 .* sqrt(C_i) * F * sqrt(C_i) + t(i) .* diag(ones(J,1)) (-1 .* sqrt(C_i) * F * Hm(i,:)'); ... (-1 .* sqrt(C_i) * F * Hm(i,:)')' gamma - Hm(i,:) * F * Hm(i,:)' - t(i) * d_i^2] == hermitian_semidefinite( J + 1 ); t(i) >...
X >= Y becomes X - Y == semidefinite(n) X <= Y becomes Y - X == semidefinite(n) If either side is complex, then the inequalities are interpreted as follows: X >= Y becomes X - Y == hermitian_semidefinite(n) X <= Y becomes Y - X == hermitian_semidefinite(n)There...
When used inside a CVX specification, det_rootn constrains the matrix to be symmetric (if real) or Hermitian (if complex) and positive semidefinite. When used with numerical arguments, det_rootn returns -Inf if these constraints are not met. Concave. det_root2n the \(2n\)-th root of ...
variable Ws(M,M) hermitian; % variable wc(M,1); % variable ws(M,1); maximize (trace((Mr)(Wc+Ws))) subject to Wc == hermitian_semidefinite(M); Ws == hermitian_semidefinite(M); trace(Wc + Ws) <= Ptx; trace((Xi_1)(Wc - gammaWs...
variable R(10,10,8) hermitian semidefinite%定义8个厄密共轭半正定矩阵 variables 可以同时定义多个变量,但是不能定义复数,整数,结构变量: variables x1 x2 x3 y1(10) y2(10,10,10); 3 目标函数 申明目标函数要求使用minimize或maximize函数,注意调用minimize的目标函数必须是凸的,调用maximize的目标函数必须是凹...
(y,z)=0 或者X=semidefinite(n)表示 可以用X=0 或者X=hermitian_semidefinite(n)表示7CVX程序示例2:求解SDP问题SDP relaxation of two-way partitioning problem半正定约束8CVX程序的输出结果cvx_optval: 最优值cvx_status: 求解状态, 包括 Solved, Unbounded, Infeasible, Inaccurate/Solved等根据cvx_status调整...
cvx_beginsdp:调⽤半正定规划模型(详情参考semidefiniteprogrammingmode)。 cvx_begingp:调⽤⼏何规划模型(详情参考geometricprogrammingmode)。 有需要的时候,这些修改模式可以组合使⽤。举个例⼦,cvx_beginsdpquite会调⽤DP模型并使求解器在输出时静默。
upper_hankel upper_hessenberg upper_triangular 指定矩阵关键词同样可以⽤于多维矩阵,此时将定义多个申明的结构 variable R(10,10,8) hermitian semidefinite %定义8个厄密共轭半正定矩阵 variables可以同时定义多个变量,但是不能定义复数,整数,结构变量:variables x1 x2 x3 y1(10) y2(10,10,10);
{-1}, which is the same as the product of the inverses of the eigenvalues. When used inside a CVX specification,det_invconstrains the matrix to be symmetric (if real) or Hermitian (if complex) and positive semidefinite. When used with numerical arguments,det_invreturns+Infif these ...