首先,最失败的就是open review,因为其本质上就是为本来就已经无效的学术价值评价市场上提供更多的信息,所以从一开始它就注定是毫无意义的;开放审稿就结果来看,不仅没有能提高稿件以及对应审稿意见的质量(身边统计学的结论,如果有不同意见欢迎指教)...
If you have any questions about the paper list, please do not hesitate to emailmeor open an i...
1) Openhttps://openreview.net/ 2) Click on Login You have two options, if you have an account just login, otherwise sign up for a new user. 2.a) so if you don’t have an account, you can create one by clicking Sign Up and follow the instructions. 2.b) if you have an account...
难顶,搞了几个月,准备冲一冲,结果因为有个作者的open review没设置好直接被 desk-rejected,大佬们...
首先,最失败的就是open review,因为其本质上就是为本来就已经无效的学术价值评价市场上提供更多的信息,所以从一开始它就注定是毫无意义的;开放审稿就结果来看,不仅没有能提高稿件以及对应审稿意见的质量(身边统计学的结论,如果有不同意见欢迎指教),反倒造成了一些类似于审稿意见同质化、学术成果被人“借用”等糟糕的...
amusi committed Feb 27, 2024 1 parent 69e6dd4 commit 70d9171 Showing 2 changed files with 1,586 additions and 1,273 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified CVPR2023-Papers-with-Code.md README.md Loading Oops, something went wrong. Retry 0 comments on commit 70d9171 ...
Submission site: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/MAI2024 The review process is double blind. Accepted and presented papers will be published after the conference in the CVPR Workshops Proceedings on by IEEE (http://www.ieee.org) and Computer Vision Foundation (https://openaccess.thecvf.com...
更新到 cvpr2024 Browse files master dogvane committed Jun 10, 2024 1 parent 241e1f2 commit 68c619d Showing 2 changed files with 2,280 additions and 1,318 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified CVPR2023-Papers-with-Code.md README.md 1,742 changes: 1,742 additions ...
(e.g. a vector for each word), and a decoder that produces the translated text from that representation. The design has proven to be very effective and many of today’s state-of-the-art models (e.g. BERT, GPT-2) are based on Transformers. An in-depth review of Transformers can be...