Final rating 444,中了,感恩。不出意外应该是毕业前最后一个工作了,做的one-shot customization工作,...
我个人的被审体验还是不错的,没有胡搅蛮缠的意见,rebuttal后所有评审都给了 final rating,且每篇工作...
确实,写作对于发paper来说太重要了。虽然chatgpt不会犯语法错误,但我觉得质量也最多算60分。主要原因是它写出的句子信息密度较低,很容易让读者走神。其次,不同句子之间的逻辑性较差(如果一整段都是让它写的话),非常影响idea的展示。我感觉我自己写出的文字质量还是比它高不少的,虽然可能要花很长时间 所以...
We use SMPL-X body shape parameters, predicted by our SHAPY regressor, as input to our S2A model. The estimated ratings are not scaled. The S2A training data, however, ranges from 1.0 to 5.0. Consequently, a predicted rating of 1.0 relates to "strongly disagree" (that the attribute appli...
(b) User study interface for rating effective duration. Figure G2. Screenshots of the user study interface. ing sets. Our model learns the data distribution from the training set, slightly deviating from the entire, while the GT of the testing set constitutes a portion of the overall ...
Visual Glimpses and Reinforcement Learning The first paper we will look at is from Google’s DeepMind team: “Recurrent Models of Visual Attention” (Mnih et al., 2014). This paper focuses on the idea that CNN architectures utilize a sliding window approach (iterating convolution filters over ...
给2的reviewer还没有看final rating这什么鬼 他review写的明明很认真 真的无语了 Rebuttal结束了 自己...
Rebuttal作者洋洋洒洒写了一大段,解释contribution到底在哪里,然后审稿人到了final review还是只有一句:我...
不会用overleaf和ssh到现在中了论文,还是有些不真实感。从一开始的432到最后final rating的444,或许...