Url:https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2023/html/Zhao_The_Resource_Problem_of_Using_Linear_Layer_Leakage_Attack_in_CVPR_2023_paper.html Abstract: Secure aggregation promises a heightened level of privacy in federated learning, maintaining that a server only has access to a decrypted aggrega...
本文是由白小鱼博主整理的cvpr 2023会议中,与联邦学习相关的论文合集及摘要翻译,上一次的整理详情请见 文章速览 |联邦学习 x cvpr'2023 (上) . class balanced adaptive pseudo labeling for federated semi-supervised learning authors: ming li; qingli li;...
This table is updated in March 05, 2023, using the updated test set. The parameters used to reproduce the numbers are provided indata/benchmark_parameters.txt. PerformanceRecallPrecisionFscore HV86.9436.8251.73 TN62.4966.5064.43 DP49.5660.6354.53 ...
You should also now see additional images indump_match_pairs/which visualize the evaluation numbers (or something very close to it, see thisnote): The top left corner of the image shows the pose error and number of inliers, while the lines are colored by their epipolar error computed with ...
This gist contains a list of all 1k ImageNet classes and their corresponding numbers. Texture Distillation You can also use the same set of expert trajectories (except those using ZCA) to distill classes into toroidal textures by simply adding the --texture flag. For example, python distill.py...