Feb, 2024:PTv3andPPTare accepted by CVPR'24, anothertwopapers by our Pointcept team have also been accepted by CVPR'24 🎉🎉🎉. We will make them publicly available soon! Dec, 2023:PTv3is released on arXiv, and the code is available in Pointcept. PTv3 is an efficient backbone mo...
What’s on your CVPR 2023 reading list? Our team of researchers has curated a fantastic selection of accepted papers, which we’ve organized by topic to make it easier for you to navigate. Here are the categories we’ve focused on: optimization, generalization, train/test-time adaptation, se...
今天,计算机视觉三大顶会之一CVPR2020接收结果已经公布,一共有1470篇论文被接收,接收率为22%,相比去年降低3个百分点,竞争越来越激烈。 计算机视觉顶会CVPR2020官方今日发布接收论文列表(编号): http://cvpr2020.thecvf.com/sites/default/files/2020-02/accepted_list.txt 虽然我们目前还只能看到官方公布的接收论文I...
CVPR 2023 Accepted Paper HOICLIP: Efficient Knowledge Transfer for HOI Detection with Vision-Language Models - Artanic30/HOICLIP
The list of paper IDs provisionally accepted to CVPR 2021 can be found here. 01/19 – CVPR 2021 Workshops have been announced here 12/4 – Due to the large number of proposals, the announcement of accepted proposals will be delayed until Dec 11th, 2020. Note that we had a large number...
江湖还是那个江湖。一壶浊酒喜相逢。古今多少事,都付笑谈中。 参考链接: CVPR 2020接收ID列表:http://cvpr2020.thecvf.com/sites/default/files/2020-02/accepted_list.txt 《十年之间的CVPR与我们》原贴链接:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/108878723
11月16号,CVPR官方推特提醒了一下:「CVPR 2022论文提交截止日期为2021年11月16日,就是今天(太平洋时间晚上11:59,北京时间11月17号下午15:59)」。 祝大家好运! 然而没想到的是,CVPR官方论文的提交网站的运气可不怎么好。 在即将截止前的1个小时,突然404了。而且,连Overleaf也…… ...
paper list 在 https://cvpr2023.thecvf.com/Conferences/2023/AcceptedPapers SadTalker: Learning Realistic 3D Motion Coefficients for Stylized Audio-Driven Single Image Talking Face Animation CASP-Net:…
In this blog, we present two papers (one from CVPR 2022, and one just accepted to CVPR 2023) that highlight our recent research in the area of human attention modeling: “Deep Saliency Prior for Reducing Visual Distraction” and “Learning from Unique Perspectives: User-aware Saliency Modeling...
Related work:GenADAccepted at CVPR 2024, Highlight Note: Annotations for other public datasets in OpenDV-2K will not be released since we randomly sampled a subset of them in training, which are incomplete and hard to trace back to their origins (i.e., file name). Nevertheless, it's eas...