Sep, 2022:PTv2accepted by NeurIPS 2022. It is a continuation of the Point Transformer. The proposed GVA theory can apply to most existing attention mechanisms, while Grid Pooling is also a practical addition to existing pooling methods.
Updated Mar 19, 2022 Python Mukosame / Zooming-Slow-Mo-CVPR-2020 Star 920 Code Issues Pull requests Fast and Accurate One-Stage Space-Time Video Super-Resolution (accepted in CVPR 2020) video pytorch super-resolution cvpr spatio-temporal video-super-resolution video-frame-interpolation cvpr202...
11月18号凌晨,CVPR官方确认论文已经可以开始提交:「由于MicrosoftCMT网站在CVPR 2022截止日期前的最后一个小时关闭,我们的项目主席决定将论文提交截止日期延长至太平洋标准时间2021年11月18日上午11:59(北京时间11月19号凌晨3:59)。CMT提交网站正在备份和接受提交」。 接着,CVPR公布了MicrosoftCMT崩溃背后的原因:「CMT...
更新,中了,在accepted list
under Domain Conflicts below). If a paper is found to have an undeclared or incorrect institutional conflict, the paper may be summarily rejected. To avoid undeclared conflicts, the author list is considered to be final after the submission deadline and no changes are allowed for accepted papers...
CVPR2022开奖啦!看下投稿ID与中奖率之间的关系,早提交中奖率会高,4K+最高?那是不是可以马上注册ECCV了……毕竟炼丹就是玄学,玄学就是科学啊,同志们 accepted papers id list:链接 发布于 2022-03-02 12:27 赞同28 分享收藏 写下你的评论... 3 条评论 默认 最新 chenvy 早提交,证明...
今天,计算机视觉三大顶会之一CVPR2020接收结果已经公布,一共有1470篇论文被接收,接收率为22%,相比去年降低3个百分点,竞争越来越激烈。 计算机视觉顶会CVPR2020官方今日发布接收论文列表(编号): ...
CVPR 2021 Accepted Papers List is available now. The list of paper IDs provisionally accepted to CVPR 2021 can be found here. 01/19 – CVPR 2021 Workshops have been announced here 12/4 – Due to the large number of proposals, the announcement of accepted proposals will be delayed until Dec...
江湖还是那个江湖。一壶浊酒喜相逢。古今多少事,都付笑谈中。 参考链接: CVPR 2020接收ID列表: 《十年之间的CVPR与我们》原贴链接:
In this blog, we present two papers (one from CVPR 2022, and one just accepted to CVPR 2023) that highlight our recent research in the area of human attention modeling: “Deep Saliency Prior for Reducing Visual Distraction” and “Learning from Unique Perspectives: User-aware Saliency Modeling...