中的叠加氧化行为 罗茜,成来飞,栾新刚,刘小冲 (西北工业大学超高温结构复合材料国防科技重点实验室,西安 710072) 摘要:采用化学气相沉积法(ChemicalVaporDeposition,CVD)制备 了CVD—SiC陶瓷基片并在 1500~C空气中进行预氧化处 理,对 比研究了预氧化前后 CVD—SiC分别在 1100、1300和 1500%静态水氧耦合环境下的氧化...
Fig. 4. Back-scattered SEM images of the polished cross sections of the flash joined Cf/SiC with a Ti interlayer using a power limit of 60% for: a), b) 13 s; c), d) 7 s. A porous interlayer with some reaction between the Ti foil and CVD-SiC and infiltration of Ti into the ...
523 CVD-SiC被覆C/C複合材料の高温負荷下大気中暴露による強度劣化(OS 耐熱材料) CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition,化 学蒸着)法は,気相原料 を高温の基材表面へ導 き,そこで化学反応を経て固相薄膜を析出 させる方法であ り,エレクトロニクス分野での機能性薄膜の作製法 や,工具,金 型への耐磨耗膜の...
The tensile tests of the non-coated bare and SiC-coated C/C composites were carried out in air at elevated temperatures (RT-1600℃). The specimens were first exposed in air at a testing temperature for 600s under a constant strain of ε=0.13%, and then loaded to the failure. It was ...
TiCl4(g)+CH4(g)→TiC(s)+4HCl(g) (1400℃) CH3SiCl3 的热分解可产生碳化硅涂层: CH3SiCl3(g)→SiC(s)+3HCl(g) 5.化合反应 由有机金属化合物可以沉积得到Ⅲ~Ⅴ族化合物: Ga(CH3)3(g)+AsH3(g)→GaAs(s)+3CH4(g) 如果系统有温差,当源材料在温度 T1 时与输送气体反应形成易挥发 物时就会...
C/C composites with an oxidation protection SIC coating have been evaluated by using high frequency air plasma Row at temperatures between 1554 and 1945K, and at pressures between 1.0 and 5.0 kPa. The oxidation behavior of the coatings after heating tests was investigated. The thickness reduction...
SiC纳米线-CVD化学性质 熔点: 2700 °C (lit.) 密度: 3.22 g/mL at 25 °C (lit.) 折射率: 2.6500 溶解度: Soluble in molten sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and in molten iron. 形态: nanopowder 颜色: Green 比重: 3.22 电阻率 (resistivity): ...
例如,在1000℃左右可以合成a-Al2O3、SiC,而且正向更低温度发展。 化学气相沉积法原理 CVD的原理过程是:将两种或两种以上的气态原材料导入到一个反应室内,气态原材料之间发生化学反应,形成一种新的材料,并沉积到基体表面上。先将反应物加热到一定温度,达到足够高的蒸汽压,用氩气或者氢气作为载气送入反应器(在反应...