Knowledge Reuse for Customer Service in Banking SectorSurya Ramkumar
The aim of the study is to evaluate the determinants of customer satisfaction on higher service quality in North Cyprus Banking sector. SERVQUAL model is used to analyse the perception of customers on determinants of service quality. Total of 207 cutomers of the major banks in North Cyprus have...
Role of Service Innovation on Competitive Advantage in the Banking Sector in Kenya Banks in Kenya are rethinking how to innovate by focusing on services so as to gain competitive advantage. The main objective of this study was to investigate on the role of service innovation in the banking indus...
A service is an activity or benefit that one can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Since the inception of globalization in India, banking sector has undergone various changes. Encouragement to foreign banks and private sector banks in...
Weconductedthisresearchwiththeobjectivesof: Highlightingtherisksandopportunitiesfacingtheretailbankingsectorwithrespectto► managingcustomerrelationshipstodayacrossEurope. Analyzingwhatisrelevanttoasuccessfulbankingrelationship,soastoachieve and maintain ► customer satisfaction in the current climate. Identifying and com...
Marketing Related services Service Cloud Connect Direct access to your cloud with a dedicated connection to the major Cloud Service Providers, AWS, Google, Azure, Oracle, and IBM. Read more Service Smart IP-VPN Build your own highly secure Virtual Private Network for your global Intranet with our...
WIO opened my business bank account in less than 3 days. It’s early days, but my experience with the entire UAE banking sector as been incredibly negative. I appreciate KYC and AML, but you cannot expect someone to start a business and then take 6 months to open an account. I ...
This study aims to examine the effect of service innovation on customer satisfaction and loyalty in the Vietnamese banking sector. The research investigates banking service innovation from three angles: novel service concept, novel service procedure, and novel technological distribution system. To ...
Service quality; Service features; and Customer complaint handling as the major determinants of customer satisfaction in Banking sector: A Case study of Na... Service quality, service features and customer complaint handling as the major determinants of customer satisfaction in banking sector: A case...
Even though my Account is not in the city still whenever I visit the Branch exceptional service is provided by the Branch staff especially Mr. Ravi Ranjan. He is very polite; he understands the customer's problems and banking requirements and ensures timely completion of the services. ICICI ...