SAP C4C的UI都是基于MVC pattern设计的,首先在Chrome开发者工具里找到UI的模型名称:/BYD_COD/SalesOnDemand/SalesOrder/UI/COD_SALESORDER_TI.TI.uicomponent 到cloud Application Studio的UI Designer里打开这个UI 模型,在Data model区域找到Business object的名称为CustomerQuote,这就有点怪了,我起初以为是Sales Order。
SAP Cloud for Customer系统中的Sales工作中心提供Sales Quote和Sales Order两个视图。Sales Quote主要用于生成报价单,而Sales Order则是用于创建最终具有法律效力的销售订单。流程上,报价单先于销售订单生成,报价单仅仅是一份提议,不具备法律约束力。在买卖双方协商并达成一致后,报价单将转化为销售订单。
SAP Cloud for Customer包含两个销售视图:Sales Quote与Sales Order。Sales Quote用于生成报价单,不具备法律效力,而Sales Order则是通过双方协商后,基于报价单生成的最终销售订单,具备法律效力。在开发Sales Order视图的UI时,通常预期基于特定的业务对象,但在实际操作中发现,其模型名为/COD/SalesOnDem...
SAP C4C的UI都是基于MVC pattern设计的,首先在Chrome开发者工具里找到UI的模型名称:/BYD_COD/SalesOnDemand/SalesOrder/UI/COD_SALESORDER_TI.TI.uicomponent 到cloud Application Studio的UI Designer里打开这个UI 模型,在Data model区域找到Business object的名称为CustomerQuote,这就有点怪了,我起初以为是Sales Order。
SAP Cloud for Customer的Sales工作中心里有Sales Quote和Sales Order两个视图,一个用于销售报价单,另一个用于销售订单。 流程上是先有报价单 ,报价单是一份OFFER,并不具备法律效力,只有在生成销售订单后,即买卖双方都对报价单上的内容进行一些协商后,
sap cloud for customer安卓版是一款智能高效的数字化营销管理软件。精细化的销售管理,帮助你把握每一次成交的机会,数字化管理的客户服务,打造高效、专业的全流程服务体验,大大提升销售人员的工作效率,有需要的小伙伴们就快来下载使用吧! sap cloud for customer app主要功能 ·获取实时分析 ·获取离线支持 ·查找/关...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi friends, Can you please tell me that in sales order, what is the "Bill To" customer? Is it "Sold-to party" or "Ship-to party" or something else? In which table is it stored and what is the field name? In which table I can find the compan...
How to display Customer/ Vendor PAN Number Table in SAP, Database Tables. TABLES: kna1, lfa1, adr6, t001w, ekko, knvv, TNLST, TVKOT, TVTWT, TSPAT. TABLES : SSCRFIELDS. *Internal Table declarations.
4. Other accesses in SD: a) Document flow: Incorrect: SELECT vbelv FROM vbfa WHERE vbeln ... In table VBFA only the preceeding document is used to search for the subsequent document (for example, delivery for order). Searching the other way makes no sense with this table since the pre...
The above chart shows that the sales order is only part of the delivery billing. In the amount of occupation of the details, the order is still the total amount. So ask SAP group, there FICO F.28 given the transaction code or run the program RFDKLI20 to adjust the amount ...