I needed one help regarding the Customer Purchase order number, I am using the tcode va03 in that there is field named PO number when i view the techincal help for that field than it shows it is Customer purchase order number. Is Purchase order and Customer purchase order no same . Actu...
DATA addressdata TYPE bapibus1006_address. " SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address DataDATA businesspartner TYPE bapibus1006_head-bpartner. " Business Partner NumberDATA it_telephondata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiadtel. " BAPI Structure for Telephone Numbers (Bus. Address Services)...
Normally when the Sales Order type OR is copied & item category is copied from TAN all the related settings are copied & the assignment will take place. In case, if the item category is created newly without any reference, then maintain the assignment to the Order Type. ix. Assign PoD re...
Labels in this area "Best Practice" 1 "Data Source Migration" 1 "mm02" 1 "SAP Sales" SAP Cloud 1 $session in CDS 1 'abap' 1 *SAP" 1 - SAP 1 2023 Upgrade 1 @expertsap 2 @sapcommunity 1 A_PurchaseOrderItem additional fields 1 ABAP 5 ABAP 7.4 1 abap cds ...
Re-Export Purchase Orders Re-export any Purchase Order sent to Autotask, ConnectWise, QuickBooks, or Sage 50 from QuoteWerks. Build 1 Sync Links Tab with QuoteWerks Web Sync documents between QuoteWerks Web and QuoteWerks Desktop with the push of a button. Users in QuoteWerks Desktop ca...
Reference Number in Copying Control(VTFF, VTFA & VTFL) to transfer following doc no to Accounting doc Purchase order number Sales order number Delivery number External delivery number Actual billing document number External delivery no. if available, otherwise delivery no. Thanks, JP ravi_kumar10...
c) Other search helps for sales orders offer the matchcode tables and views M_VMVAx, x. = A, B, C, ... M; for example search for purchase order number of the customer, description and so on 2. Accesses to deliveries (tables LIKP, LIPS) ...
How to display Customer/ Vendor PAN Number Table in SAP, Database Tables. TABLES: kna1, lfa1, adr6, t001w, ekko, knvv, TNLST, TVKOT, TVTWT, TSPAT. TABLES : SSCRFIELDS. *Internal Table declarations.
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With the vast number of activities Starbucks rewards through their loyalty program, it’s no wonder 14M+ active U.S. members use the app. 2. DSW VIP Shoe sellerDSW’s VIPprogram is a point-based loyalty program offering members free shipping on every purchase, incentives for buying online ...