1)创建新的 Flexible Workflow,Fiori app:Manage Workflows for Purchase Orders 1 简介 采购订单审批是公司常用的业务流程之一,在 ECC 里我们采用 PO release strategy 和workflow 配置采购订单审批。到了 SAP S/4 HANA 新功能 Flexible Worflow 代替原始的 PO release strategy 和 workflow。不管是系统层面还是业务...
路径:IMG>Materials Management>Purchasing>Purchase Order>Release Procedure for Purchase Orders>Edit Class 如下图,分类的创建需要注意两点: a.类类型需要选择032 b.将“特性”准确地分配给该分类。 定义审批流程 T-Code:SPRO 路径:IMG>Materials Management>Purchasing>Purchase Order>Release Procedure for Purchase ...
3. 激活aATP:跨应用组件 > 高级可承诺量(aATP)> 特定文档类型的配置活动 > 库存调拨单 > 按工厂配置交货类型和可用性检查过程 4. 激活采购高级公司间交易流程:物料管理 > 采购 > 采购订单 > 高级公司间流程 > Enable Value Chain Monitoring for Purchase Orders 5. 定义工厂装运数据:物料管理 > 采购 > 采...
T-Code:CL02 路径:IMG>Materials Management>Purchasing>Purchase Order>Release Procedure for Purchase Orders>Edit Class 如下图,分类的创建需要注意两点: a.类类型需要选择032 b.将“特性”准确地分配给该分类。 定义审批流程 T-Code:SPRO 路径:IMG>Materials Management>Purchasing>Purchase Order>Release Procedure...
there is no level of data protection equivalent to the European Union in substance and there is no adequacy decision by the European Commission. This may result in risks for you because you cannot effectively enforce your rights as a data subject in the USA, there are no data protection princ...
2.1.1. Activate Flexible Workflow for Purchase Orders Activate the flexible workflow for purchase orders. Use The flexible workflow allows you to use either the automatic, one-step, or even multi-step approval. You can use the app Manage Workflows for Purchase Orders to define start conditions ...
Terms and Conditions of Purchase of Sappi Italy of Sappi Italy Operations S.p.A. In Italian. In German Terms and Conditions for Sappi purchase orders from Scotland Terms and Conditions for Sappi purchase orders from England, Wales, Northern Ireland Sappi North America Purchase Order Terms an...
VL10B(Purchase Orders, Fast Display), VL10G(Sales and Purchase Orders, Fast Display), 如果用户经常或一直使用相同的scenario,则可以将它设置为用户的default scenario。 四,选择和显示交货单Selection and displaying the delivery list 用户可以在用户自定义scenario中定义变量并由此创建了用户自定义的选择条件; ...
For more details refer Output Parameter Determination and How to configure output parameters for purchase orders. Q: Why cannot I see all the fields in the Purchase order output form? A: SAP delivers a standard template MM_PUR_PURCHASE_ORDER for purchase order outputs. This standard template is...
在SAP的采购审批策略(Release Strategy)中,需指定发布标识(Release indicator),也就是订单在不同审批阶段的公布信息,如“未审批”、“业务审批”、“审核通过”等。每个发布标识可以设定不能修改或可以修改,并可设定修改的百分比范围。当发布标识选定核发标识,则表明订单审批完成。