Customary law of primogeniture upheld in ZimbabweRobb, J.* & Cassette, J.**De Rebus
Between a rock and a hard place – An international law perspective of the difficult position of globally active Internet intermediaries With its ability to create a global legal risk exposure, combined with contradicting rights and duties, and limited enforcement possibilities, the Internet... Dan,...
However, recent events seem to deny women's historical role in the war of liberation and their crucial roles in agricultural production and unpaid work in the household. In the case of Magaya versus Magaya, the Zimbabwe Supreme Court based its judgment on customary law that dispossesses women ...
However, recent events seem to deny women's historical role in the war of liberation and their crucial roles in agricultural production and unpaid work in the household. In the case of Magaya versus Magaya, the Zimbabwe Supreme Court based its judgment on customary law that dispossesses women ...