“Blessing or Curse”? Introduction of Bond Notes as an Antidote to Zimbabwe’s Liquidity Crises -来源:现代会计与审计(英文版)(第2018005期)-美国大卫出版社.pdf,Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, May 2018, Vol. 14, No. 5, 252-264 D doi: 10.1726
The aim of this article is to render thinkable the idea of reading the Zimbabwean national anthem, Simudzai Mureza weZimbabwe, as a political biography. Biographies are people's lives narrated by others. However, the act of writing the l... MT Vambe,K Khan - 《Journal of Literary Studi...
"In addition, the bank has proposed for the setting up of an independent board to have an oversight role on the issuance of bond notes in the economy. It is critical to emphasise that the introduction of bond notes does not mark the return of the Zimbabwe dollar through the back door," ...
Former President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe forced the chief justice of the Supreme Court, Anthony Gubbah, to resign, since he was apparently enraged at the Court’s rulings that black Zimbabweans stop their illegal occupations of hundreds of white Zimbabwean-owned farms. These occupations have ...
This chapter sets out to create a background and context from which childhood emerges as a dominant constitution of contemporary African literature. The chapter then provides a literary history of childhood in the imagination of modern African literature