1 创建的方式不一样 2 使用的场景不同 在实际的情况中, 推荐使用Custom Metadata, 因为用起来更加的方便,但是Custom Setting中的Hierarchy模式可以通过条件配置来区分特定的用户,或者Profile,可以应用在特定的场景。 3 调用的方式不同 CustomSettingName__c mc = CustomSettingName__c.getValues(data_set_name); ...
CustomMetadata和CustomSettings两者的区别 CustomMetadata和CustomSettings两者的区别 1 创建的⽅式不⼀样 2 使⽤的场景不同 在实际的情况中,推荐使⽤Custom Metadata, 因为⽤起来更加的⽅便,但是Custom Setting中的Hierarchy模式可以通过条件配置来区分特定的⽤户,或者Profile,可以应⽤在特定的场景。3 ...
Salesforce学习笔记——自定义设置(Custom Setting)与自定义元数据类型(Custom Metadata Type)的对比 1、功能对比 了解了自定义设置与自定义元数据类型的使用方法和特点以后,我们来对两者做一下对比: 2、应用场景 我们在实际开发中,应该根据开发中的不同需求采用不同的设置。对比了自定义设置和自定义元数据类型的功能...
1. Hierarchies - Custom metadata types do not purport to replace hierarchy custom settings which allow you to vary values based on users and profiles across the org. These custom settings can also be referenced in formulas, so can be used in formula fields, validation rules, workflow rules, a...
Custom Settings vs Custom Metadata types Advantages of custom settings in salesforce: Centralized Configuration:Custom settings provide a centralized location to store and manage configurable data for your Salesforce application. It allows you to define and modify settings without modifying code, making ...
针对新的release出来以后,custom metadata同样也支持了类似 custom setting的查询方式,这种既不计算了SOQL的查询数,也使得结果获取更快。方法提供了getInstance以及 getAll,demo中我们使用getInstance()方法,感兴趣的小伙伴可以查看一下上面链接的其他的方法。
我们在之前的篇中简单描述了 custom metadata type的使用,最开始的 custom metadata type是来建议取代 list custom setting,好处是可以基于metadata进行部署,不用像custom setting基于数据方式,容易出现漏部署情况,所以基于当时的版本来说, custom metadata type相对 list custom setting来说好处是基于metadata部署避免遗漏。
If an IIS 6.0 setting has no IIS 7 equivalent, the setting will be written to the <customMetadata> element.CompatibilityExpand table VersionNotes IIS 10.0 The <customMetadata> element was not modified in IIS 10.0. IIS 8.5 The <customMetadata> element was not modified in IIS 8.5. IIS 8.0...
represents the metadata associated with a custom metadata type. for more information, see the custom metadata types implementation guide . file suffix and directory location a custom metadata type is defined as a custom object and is stored in the objects folder. custom metadata types have a ...
Our idea is to add some attributes to metadata of documents. We present a custom dialog for user to select attributes that need to be added. On "raw_BeforeDocumentSave" event we add these attributes to documents. We have a map with key as filename and value are the list of ...