1 创建的方式不一样 2 使用的场景不同 在实际的情况中, 推荐使用Custom Metadata, 因为用起来更加的方便,但是Custom Setting中的Hierarchy模式可以通过条件配置来区分特定的用户,或者Profile,可以应用在特定的场景。 3 调用的方式不同 CustomSettingName__c mc = CustomSettingName__c.getValues(data_set_name); ...
我们在之前的篇中简单描述了 custom metadata type的使用,最开始的 custom metadata type是来建议取代 list custom setting,好处是可以基于metadata进行部署,不用像custom setting基于数据方式,容易出现漏部署情况,所以基于当时的版本来说, custom metadata type相对 list custom setting来说好处是基于metadata部署避免遗漏。
custom metadata types (customobject) represents the metadata associated with a custom metadata type. for more information, see the custom metadata types implementation guide . file suffix and directory location a custom metadata type is defined as a custom object and is stored in the objects ...
apex metadata api and security to learn more. audit fields ( createddate , createdby , lastmodifieddate , lastmodifiedby , systemmodstamp ) remain uneditable. note fields custom metadata types can contain the following customobject fields. to make the fields on your custom metadata types unique ...
当我们创建表相关的表数据以后,我们就可以为custom metadata type设置数据,下图demo中维护了Account Customer Priority(自定义字段)默认值的一条数据,我们可以看到当Object Name选择了 Account以后,Field Name就可以自动的基于Account(作为 controling field)选择到 Account表中的字段。
那我们之前在使用 custom metadata type特别烦人的地方是,我们需要通过搜索数据的方式来获取数据,使用方式很类似我们object的query。比如下面的demo 代码语言:javascript 复制 System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO,'*** Limits.getQueryRows(): '+Limits.getQueryRows());Country_Code__mdt countryCode=[SELECTId,MasterLa...
Overview The <customMetadata> element contains settings that are used internally by the metabase compatibility feature of Internet Information Services...
How do I add custom metadata when sending with the API? Add your metadata to the“Metadata” field in the body of your API call when sending an email. Metadata is added to the“Metadata” JSON field in name/value pairs, as shown in this example request: { "From": "sender@example....
A WordPress plugin that provides an easy way to add custom fields to your object types (post, pages, custom post types, users) - Automattic/custom-metadata