通过admin.py 在Django后台注册自己的路由(对应自己的视图) 实现代码 要在一个 app 里面的 admin.py 添加如下代码(实际上就一个简化的 model) 代码语言:javascript 复制 # django2\apps\business\admin.py from django.contribimportadmin from django.contrib.adminimportAdminSite from django.httpimportHttpResponse...
Django Admin By default, it displays all the apps in INSTALLED_APPS that have been registered with the admin application, in alphabetical order. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/intro/tutorial07/#customize-the-admin-index-page defget_app_list(self, request): """ Return a sorted list ...
This document is for Django's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. For older releases, use the version selector floating in the bottom right corner of this page. How to create customdjango-admincommands¶ ...
For example, Django’s admin interface uses custom template tags to display the buttons along the bottom of the “add/change” form pages. Those buttons always look the same, but the link targets change depending on the object being edited – so they’re a perfect case for using a small ...
我正在尝试在django应用程序中实现自定义用户模型。 如果我仅复制并粘贴本文中的代码,则效果很好。但我希望这个自定义用户模型具有权限和组。因此,我将此继承添加到models.py中: class MyUser(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin): Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 并将这些字段放入admin.py MyUserAdmin(...
Also, as a general rule, please don't reopen tickets marked invalid/wontfix; take it up on django-dev if you disagree. comment:6byRyan Fugger,16年 ago How should I implement this functionality in an admin site then? (Sorry about the re-open -- just trying to make things easier for ...
AdminPlus offers a new function,admin.site.register_view, to attach arbitrary views to the admin: # someapp/admin.py# Assuming you've replaced django.contrib.admin.site as above.fromdjango.contribimportadmindefmy_view(request,*args,**kwargs):passadmin.site.register_view('somepath',view=my_...
custom-fields wordpress-admin Updated Aug 2, 2024 PHP wpmetabox / meta-box Star 1.2k Code Issues Pull requests The best plugin for WordPress custom fields and custom meta boxes wordpress wordpress-plugin wordpress-development custom-fields wordpress-php-library meta-boxes meta-fields Updated...
(.venv) $ django-admin startproject django_project . (.venv) $ python3 manage.py startapp accounts (.venv) $ python3 manage.py runserver Show dark mode Note that wedid notrunmigrateto configure our database. It's important to wait until after we've created our new custom user model be...
So to add a cutsom action you need to add an action function in admin.py module where you register your models . Lets take a simple real example . First create a Django project then create an app then in : In models.py module we add this Product model ...