A full example, taken from the django.contrib.flatpages.models.FlatPage model: from django.contrib import admin class FlatPageAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): fieldsets = [ ( None, { "fields": ["url", "title", "content", "sites"], }, ), ( "Advanced options", { "classes": ["collapse"]...
Admin站单是django.contrib的一部分,在项目django2(本章所创建的项目名称)下settings.py文件中的 INSTALLED_APPS列表中,具体示例如下: 上述示例中“django.contrib.admin”是Admin站单内容配置,“App1.apps.App1Config”是App1的配置,上述配置代码都是系统自动生成的,无须手动添加。 注意:django.contrib是一套庞大的...
This results in an admin page that looks like: If neither fieldsets nor fields options are present, Django will default to displaying each field that isn’t an AutoField and has editable=True, in a single fieldset, in the same order as the fields are defined in the model. The field_...
page={{ articles.previous_page_number }}">← 上一页 {% endif %} {% for current_page in articles.paginator.page_range %} {{ current_page }} {% endfor %} {{ articles.number }} {% if articles.has_next %} 下一页 → {% endif %} ...
site_title=gettext_lazy('Django site admin') # Text to put in each page's . site_header=gettext_lazy('Django administration') # Text to put at the top of the admin index page. index_title=gettext_lazy('Site administration') # URL...
for k,v in request.GET.items(): if v and k !='page': condtions[k] = v querysets =model.objects.filter(**condtions) return querysets,condtions from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger from django.shortcuts import render def listing(request,admin_obj): pa...
作用:xadmin比Django内置的admin更美观、更方便。 一、导入xadmin(第三方库) 方法1、使用pip安装 pipinstallgit+git://github.com/sshwsfc/xadmin.git 1. 方法2、可直接到gitHub上找到xadmin的地址https://github.com/sshwsfc/xadmin 下载到项目根目录 ,然后pip: ...
Django Admin Page not found 汇报人:morfeokmg属主:nobody 组件:contrib.admin版本:1.1 严重性:关键词:^admin/ 抄送:Triage Stage:Unreviewed Has patch:否Needs documentation:否 Needs tests:否Patch needs improvement:否 Easy pickings:否UI/UX:否
A breath of fresh air to the world of Django, forget that old-fashioned interfaces Responsive Desktop and mobile user experience combined in the one single package Sweet dashboard Home page is not a bunch of links anymore - use if for quick access to useful tools and info Easy integrati...
{#面包屑导航#} 页面 数据面板 {#搜索框#}