Workup in endogenous Cushing syndrome Laboratory studies Currently, four methods are accepted for the diagnosis of Cushing syndrome: the urinary free cortisol level, the low-dose dexamethasone suppression test, the evening serum and salivary cortisol level, and the dexamethasone–corticotropin-releasing ho...
Cushing disease (CD), or hypercortisolemia secondary to an adrenocorticotropic hormone-secreting (ACTH-secreting) pituitary adenoma, is the most common etiology of noniatrogenic Cushing syndrome. The diagnostic algorithm employed in the patient with suspected CD is complex and includes consideration for ...
A diagnostic algorithm is proposed in Fig. 1. Conclusions We provide detailed revision on the diagnostic evaluation of children and adolescents presenting with signs and symptoms suspicious for CS and guidance on the workup from the confirmation of endogenous hypercortisolism to the etiological ...
Normal urinary free cortisol as pitfall in diagnosis of Cushing disease in children: Alternative workup optionsI., KorenG., Dickstein