openly debated (see Reichmuth (1995) for the influence of Christian and Muslim communities on education in Nigeria and Wiegelmann (1999) for the development of schooling in Francophone Senegal, with special attention to the problem of the language of instruction, afflicting many of these co...
Planner, gradebook, calendar, seating plan, diary etc.. all in one. I can even upload or link resources to my plans and I have been able to export all of last years plans for each year group as a .pdf. Whilst it has taken me the morning to get set up for the new year with my...
Guide (2002), thePEcurriculumaimsto provideanopenandflexiblecurriculumframework, with broad and balanced contents [...] 按體育學習領域課程指引(2002)所示,體育課程提供一個開放及有彈性的課程架構,內容應 該寬廣而均衡,涵蓋體育技能、健康及體適能、運動相關 的價值觀和態度、安...
field observation, and interview) and quantitative (log analysis and questionnaire) research protocols. I also develop and manage databases to support this on-going research into technology use in K-12 public schools. The two main research strands of this group are (1) technology...
education was employed for all grade levels and all courses during the pandemic. While recruiting participants, the researchers ensured that there were two teachers from each major with different teaching experiences. Demographic information about the participants included in the study is presented in ...
The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated school closures globally, resulting in an abrupt move to online/distance teaching or emergency remote teaching (ERT). Teachers and students pivoted from face-to-face engagement to online environments, thus impacting cur
My initial experience with Computing Thinking wasn’t great, as I received the worst grade possible, and while I did well in Digital Forensics Fundamentals, it was quite exhausting. When I enrolled in the “3D Time Machine,” I was worried that it would be as challenging as those two ...
Participant P8 added that one way to do so is by creating action plans for tackling concerns in third-world countries and access to things according to the SDGs. Participant P4 said problem-solving activities in the classroom allow the instructor to guide students in the right direction, ...