A method for detecting myocardial abnormality by using a current-ratio map calculated from an exercise-induced magnetocardiogram A method for making a current-ratio map to determine the ischaemic area of angina pectoris (AP) patients has been developed. This method uses a current-arr... DA Kan...
The rate of future sea-level rise around Newfoundland is complicated by its glacio-isostatic recovery since the last ice age. The first step therefore in this assessment is to combine output from glacio-isostatic adjustment models with appropriate rates of global eustatic sea-level rise. Next, ...
c Map of sea level trend from altimetry for 1993–2021 (Methods). In (a) the solid black line represents OHC time series without ENSO signals, which have previously been removed by subtracting the ENSO-regressed time series from the original time series (discontinuous line) of European Center...
Fig. 1: Map of annual input of terrigenous nitrogen via rivers and coastal erosion. Input fluxes are aggregated per degree longitude. Full size image Fig. 2: Climatology of terrigenous nitrogen input, ocean net primary production and remineralisation in the Arctic Ocean over 2005–2010. Climatolog...
Faroux S, Tchuente ATK, Roujean J-L, Masson V, Martin E, Le Moigne P. ECOCLIMAP-II/Europe: a twofold database of ecosystems and surface parameters at 1 km resolution based on satellite information for use in land surface, meteorological and climate models. Geosci Model Dev. 2013;6(2...
World map of Nd isotopes in sea-floor ferromanganese deposits Geology, 20 (1992), pp. 761-763, 10.1130/0091-7613(1992)020<0761:WMONII>2.3.CO;2 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Albarède et al., 1997 F. Albarède, S.L. Goldstein, D. Dautel The neodymium isotopic composition of manganese ...
Agulhas Current circulation, location of Crossroads (CR) hydrographic stations and distribution of samples: (A) A map of the sampling area overlaid with the Crossroad cruise track (black line) and hydrographic stations (black bullets). The Agulhas Current system was determined using sea surface hei...
We map potential inundation scenarios for each estuary using an approach which improves on the commonly used bath tub method by allowing for variation in tidal processes both between and along estuaries. We identify considerable exposure to future sea level rise, and variable suitability of the bath...
Hydrogen is a type of clean energy which has the potential to replace the fossil energy for transportation, domestic and industrial applications. To expand the hydrogen production method and reduce the consumption of fossil energy, technologies of using renewable energy to generate hydrogen have been ...
1), convolution layers compute a feature map by convolving local windows and kernels; pooling layers compress the feature map by picking a maximum activation output or the average of a local window to one pixel, thus forming a hierarchical pyramid structure with the higher layer representing a ...