This systematic review was conducted using the PRISMA technique (see Fig.1) to search for studies that investigated Black women’s sexual well-being in the age of PrEP. The databases Google Scholar and PubMed were used to conduct the search. Authors performed a Boolean search of the following...
hide their involvement in AP accords with previous research suggesting that sex workers, including people who are involved in prostitution and pornography, typically tend to hide their sexual occupation from their romantic partners and the surrounding society in coping with their shame (Black, 2009)....
Since that time, the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN) have also acknowledged the reporting of this information as an essential element of research, and they have established similar aspirational goals. Nevertheless, Black communities ...
However, deep learning models are based on a “black box” approach, which has led to questions about their lack of interpretability, which is one of the main barriers to the generalization of deep learning [63]. Some studies have used post-hoc methods or supervised machine learning models ...
b High-resolution XRF scanner-derived records of ln(Ca/Ti) (peak area count ratios; black triangles) were applied to fine-tune the Antarctic temperature anomalies together with radiocarbon dates (red triangles), relative paleointensity and paleomagnetic excursions (purple diamonds) age control points...
Our research on the current employment position of immigrants and their British descendants in England and Wales, particularly Black Africans and Black Caribbeans, is important because the persiste...
Simulated NPP in the Baseline, NoCoast, and NoTerr simulations are shown as black dots. The coloured shading is scaled proportional to the terrigenous nitrogen input. The grey shading indicates the possible range of terrigenous nutrient input available for NPP taking into account the remineralisation...
(VR events were, in order: distant gun battle, A-10 flyover, 0.50-caliber burst, Black Hawk flyover, road ambush 1, road ambush 2, improvised explosive device [IED] at right with 40-m distance, road ambush, IED at right with 40-m distance, IED at left with 30-m distance, bridge ...
Collins, T.P. (2018). Gay Is the New Black (but Black Is Still Black): The History and Current Trends of Attitudinal Hypocrisy. In: Hypocrisy in American Political Attitudes. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ...
black and white women in heterosexual relationships. Arch Sex Behav. 2011;40:725–40. Article PubMed Google Scholar Mollaioli D, Di Sante S, Limoncin E, et al. Validation of a visual analogue scale to measure the subjective perception of orgasmic intensity in females: The Orgasmometer-F....