Biographies, published books and more information for over 6,300 African American, and authors of African descent from the Caribbean, Europe and the Americas. The largest list of Black writers ever compiled!
Black Authors: A Selected Annotated BibliographyNo abstract available.Leach, GayleLibrary Journal
Developers and Open Source authors now have many services offering free tiers, but finding them all takes time to make informed decisions. This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings with free developer tiers. The scope of this particular list is limited to thin...
Well, after mulling through a list of top of mind burning issues for me, I kept circling back to the first on that list that crossed my mind….banning books altogether or, at a minimum, rewriting ugly aspects of African American history – think slavery – in the U.S. Continue reading...
This is a list of plugins. NOTE: this list may contain: mirrors, extensions to plugins, links that are not working and other things that are not related to vim plugins. NOTE: this list was documented over a span of multiple months and has some weirdness (in othe words, it would not ...
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The addresses are never shared or sold, and you can leave the list at any time. If you'd like to talk to other readers about the books, you can join a chat list bye-mailing here Join Jo and friends for talk about historical fiction on the blog,Word Wenches. ...
there are exceptions to the supposed rule that all black and white films struggle. From the 1970s onThe Last Picture Show,Paper Moon,Young Frankenstein,Manhattan,Raging Bull,Schindler’s List,Ed WoodandThe Artistare among the black and white films to have found wide success. It is admittedly...
1.625; the first 1 million generations of trees were discarded as burn-in. Table 1 List of opheliids and outgroup species included in the phylogenetic analysis, together with accession numbers in GenBank. Full size table For nomenclatural acts, we registered this publication in Zoobank. Zoobank ...