The first part of the article reviews and analyses Indonesian beef cattle production systems. The second part addresses issues related to the current systems for beef production that could become important for future development of the beef industry in Indonesia. Recommendations to improve breeding and...
chap=2. Chaccour CJ, Ngha’bi K, Abizanda G, Irigoyen Barrio A, Aldaz A, Okumu F, Slater H, Del Pozo JL, Killeen G (2018) Targeting cattle for malaria elimination: marked reduction ofAnopheles arabiensissurvival for over six months using a slow-release ivermectin implant formulation. Para...
Of all the potential health hazards, the issues of allergens are particularly concerning. Exposure to new forms of food produced using AP-focused techniques may introduce unknown allergenic responses among susceptible consumers. For plant-based proteins, nuts, soybeans, and wheat are among the well-...
Of all the potential health hazards, the issues of allergens are particularly concerning. Exposure to new forms of food produced using AP-focused techniques may introduce unknown allergenic responses among susceptible consumers. For plant-based proteins, nuts, soybeans, and wheat are among the well-...
Current situation and development trends of beef production in Thailand. Beef for consumption in Thailand is mainly from local cattle and buffalo. Most of the cattle population in Thailand consists of native cattle that are rais... A. Na-Chiangmai,J. Allen - Development strategies for genetic ...
select article Erratum to < Distinctive roles between rumen epimural and content bacterial communities on beef cattle feed efficiency: a combined analysis> ErratumOpen access Erratum to < Distinctive roles between rumen epimural and content bacterial communities on beef cattle feed efficiency: a ...
The vast majority of PCR applications published to date for meat identification are focused on domestic animal species like cattle, sheep, goat, domestic pig, turkey or chicken (Girish et al., 2005, Stirtzel et al., 2007). In contrast, considerable lesser PCR-based approaches have been report...
NPPC, the pork association, told CNET when the hogs get too large, worker safety issues arise and the processing plants can't accommodate oversized hogs. Many farmers are having to cull their livestock since they have nowhere to send them. ...
where bTB is not self-sustaining in wildlife, changes in the scale of cattle production, coupled with both technical and non-technical issues have created their own substantial challenges. It is against this diverse backdrop that the evolution of whole genome sequencing of M. bovis has ...
Argentina:It is a massive South American nation with terrain encompassing Andes mountains, glacial lakes and Pampas grassland, the traditional grazing ground of its famed beef cattle.India and Argentina inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to boost cooperation in the sector of nuclear energy. ...